5 common symptoms of anxiety.

5 common symptoms of anxiety.
Posted on 19-03-2022

Anxiety is one of the most frequent pictures of our time. It implies, in short, an impulse to go faster than life. This implies always anticipating what will happen, both negative and positive. Anxiety pushes us to think of panoramas and outcomes that we do not know, to speed up the rhythms and processes, and often to force them.

Anxiety aims to anticipate both what would cause enjoyment and what would be considered a danger. It is governed by the motto "everything and now" and usually floods with its climate of confusion. In this panorama of Everything and Now, the choice is difficult and the necessary processes for things to develop are not respected.

The state of anxiety is always one of expectation, most of the time anguished, about what may happen. Some anxiety is to be expected in life because changes mobilize anxieties. Leaving everything in a continuity where there are no variations and we move in familiar terrain, neutralizes anxiety, but leaves us still, without the possibility of movement. Anxiety is part of the change and becoming, but it must be restricted to specific moments, and the problem is today because anxiety is usually the norm, it is present permanently, in a society that always needs more things and more. Quick.

In moments of anxiety, the psyche is in a state of alertness and expectation. he cannot rest or relax, he is always waiting for something. And this situation brings, of course, associated symptomatology.

Some of these symptoms will be described below. Although the spectrum is extremely broad, we will list 5 of them, which are very frequent in the tables that are most seen in queries today.

  • Shortness of breath. It is usually one of the most frequent symptoms and is characterized by difficulty in breathing in and/or a feeling of oppression in the chest. This can escalate to a feeling of suffocation. It is a symptom that usually generates great fear, being enhanced and exacerbated by this associated fear.
  • Thought acceleration. The chaos of ideas, a multitude of tasks to carry out that do not stop circulating in the mind, obstacles or potential future dangers that are repeated. It produces a feeling of discomfort, of not being able to relax, and leads to difficulties in organizing, concentrating, and continuing with daily tasks.
  • Fast heart rate or a feeling that the heart is not working as usual. This usually also generates fear that exacerbates the symptom.
  • Muscle tension. The constant state of alert leads to tense muscles and, even without noticing it, the person is in permanent muscle contraction. This can lead, in cases of anxiety peaks, to contractures and muscle pain, which can bring other symptoms such as dizziness, for example.
  • Need to constantly move. Move your hands or legs as a discharge, make repetitive movements, or have to walk from one side to the other, or fill yourself with activities, with difficulty sustaining moments of body relaxation and stillness.

The description of these symptoms is for information in order to be able to recognize moments of greater anxiety and to be able to make the appropriate decisions. Stopping the demands, making a medical and/or psychological consultation is important to be able to establish an adequate diagnosis and initiate, if necessary, treatment according to the needs of the case.


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