Abhinav scores 80% in physics and 66% in chemistry and the maximum marks

Abhinav scores 80% in physics and 66% in chemistry and the maximum marks
Posted on 24-12-2022

Ques - Abhinav scores 80% in physics and 66% in chemistry and the maximum marks of both the papers are 100. what percent does he score in maths which is of 200 marks, if he scores 80% marks in all the three subjects:

(a) 74%

(b) 84%

(c) 87%

(d) 83%

Solution - Maximum marks in physics = 100

Abhinav scores in physics = 80% of 100

= (80/100) × 100

= 80

Maximum marks in chemistry = 100

Abhinav scores in chemistry = 66% of 100

= (66/100) × 100

= 66

Maximum marks in Maths = 200

Total maximum marks in all three subjects = 100 + 100 + 200

= 400

Abhinav scores in all three subjects = 80% of 400

= (80/100) × 400

= 320

Abhinav scores in all three subjects = 320

Abhinav scores in physics and chemistry = 80 + 66

= 146 

Abhinav scores in maths = 320 - 146

= 174

Abhinav scores in maths in percentage = (174/200) × 100

= 174/2

= 87


Abhinav scores in maths in percentage is (c) 87%.

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