Dynamic phase of the management process - GovtVacancy.Net

Dynamic phase of the management process - GovtVacancy.Net
Posted on 30-10-2022

The dynamic phase of the management process

The dynamic phase of the management process is the one in which the normal operation of the company is fully developed. It is made up of the management functions of direction and control, through which it seeks to guide those who make up the entity and efficiently dispose of the resources it has.

This half of the management process is also known, simply, as management dynamics because it reflects the purely operational, that is, what is in motion, what is changing, and is in constant adaptation, both to the external environment and to the interior of the organization.

Stages of the dynamic phase of the management process

The stages of the dynamic phase of the management process are management and control, which are intended to make the entity operational and functional.

  • Address. Management is the first function of the dynamic phase of the management process. It is the work that is responsible for carrying out the provisions of the plans based on effective decisions. That is, it seeks to achieve the proposed objectives by establishing guidelines so that all members of the organization contribute to this purpose.

  • Control. Control is the second stage of the dynamic phase of the management process and the last link in the general cycle. It is the thread in which the performance of the organization is evaluated, as a whole and specifically. In other words, what was planned is measured against what has been executed and feedback is obtained that allows corrective measures or optimization of operations to be taken.

Likewise, some authors propose integration as the initial stage of the dynamic phase of the management process. This idea has not been fully accepted, since it is valued more as a module assigned to the organization and management functions, in charge of obtaining and linking the necessary resources for the operation.

Characteristics of the dynamic phase of the management process

The most outstanding characteristics of the dynamic phase of the process are:

  • It is completely operational, that is, it focuses on seeing that what was planned is done and verifying how it was done. For this reason, it is also known as the operational phase.
  • It is mainly oriented to current day-to-day operations (management), as well as to the review of what has already happened (control).
  • Because it is focused on the present of operations, it deals with the "how is" the organization.
  • Its faculties are mostly dynamic in nature, dealing with any vicissitude, as well as being eminently practical.

Principles of the dynamic phase of the management process

The principles of the dynamic phase of the management process are manifested through those of its functions, direction, and control.

First, management is based on the following principles:

  • command impersonality. Command structures must be respected regardless of who occupies the positions. In addition, the will or preferences of those in charge must not interfere with organizational objectives.
  • Coordination of interests. It intends that the individual objectives be added to the general purposes of the organization, in such a way that a joint work system is established in which the interests of all the members of the entity converge.
  • Supervision. The delegation of responsibilities and the assignment of activities entails the orientation and tutelage of those who have made the appointments.
  • Conflict management. Based on a timely and balanced justice, trust is cultivated among all the members of the work teams, this has a positive impact on the achievement of the objectives.

The control, for its part, has the principles mentioned below:

  • Standards. It refers to the basis on which the measurements and comparisons will be made, the more precise and quantitative they are, the better the results will be.
  • Exception. Preferably, it should concentrate on loss-making operations, that is, on those in which the planned objectives were not achieved.
  • opportunity. Ideally, control should be applied prior to deviations occurring. In other words, the detection of the causes is more effective, therefore it is suggested to seek its implementation in the early stages of the processes.
  • Efficiency. The detection of real or potential deviations must represent a low cost or an opportunity for considerable improvement.

Importance of the dynamic phase of the management process

The importance of the dynamic phase of the management process is that the necessary operations are carried out in it in the search to achieve the organizational objectives.

In addition, its importance follows from the relevance of the stages that compose it, direction, and control.

Management, as a function of the dynamic phase of the management process, among other reasons, is important because:

  • Through it, the members of the social organization are motivated and guided toward the achievement of the proposed objectives.
  • The planned actions and procedures are put into operation.
  • The benefits of working together are obtained.
  • It establishes an organizational climate conducive to work well-being.
  • Supports more effective decision-making processes.

Control is significant within the dynamic phase of the management process because:

  • Only through its application can it be detected where the organization can improve.
  • Determine what remains to be done or what has not been done in the best way.
  • It stipulates corrective measures conducive to achieving the desired results.
  • As there is a direct relationship between results and objectives, it closes the management cycle and gives it the necessary impetus to restart, consequently, it acts as a connector between the two phases of the management process.


Imagine the reader who, during his vacation, notices that he is gaining too much weight, for which he intends to return to his ideal weight after his rest period.

The activities that you carry out before actually starting the process, such as selecting the diet you are going to follow, buying the supplies to prepare it, joining a gym, or organizing your new schedules, correspond to the mechanical phase of the management process (planning and organization).

The expression of the dynamic phase of the management process occurs when you create and maintain certain habits, for example, you follow a nutritional plan on a daily basis and do medium-intensity exercise at least four days a week for a certain period of time (direction). Which, when monitoring their fitness, they perceive a reduction in their weight, in addition to other signs of subjective well-being that new routines bring (control), these results becoming the trigger to maintain and improve them as much as possible.

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