GATE - 1998 | OS | Consider n processes sharing the CPU in a round-robin fashion.

GATE - 1998 | OS | Consider n processes sharing the CPU in a round-robin fashion.
Posted on 28-02-2022

GATE - 1998 [Operating System]


Consider n processes sharing the CPU in a round-robin fashion. Assuming that each process switch takes s seconds, what must be the quantum size q such that the overhead resulting from process switching is minimized but, at the same time, each process is guaranteed to get its turn at the CPU at least every t seconds?

Consider n processes sharing the CPU in a round-robin fashion. Assuming that each process switch takes s seconds, what must be the quantum size q such that the overhead resulting from process switching is minimized but at the same time each process is guaranteed to get its turn at the CPU at least every t seconds?


Option (A) is Correct.

Consider n processes sharing the CPU in a round-robin fashion. Assuming that each process switch takes s seconds, what must be the quantum size q such that the overhead resulting from process switching is minimized but at the same time each process is guaranteed to get its turn at the CPU at least every t seconds?


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