Types of triangles

Types of triangles
Posted on 23-02-2022

What types of triangles exist?

A triangle is a polygon, that is, a flat geometric figure consisting of three sides, three vertices and three angles, which add up to 180º. Triangles are classified according to their characteristics, that is, according to the size of their sides and the amplitude of their angles.

Types of triangles according to their sides

The names of the triangles according to their sides are: equilateral, isosceles and scalene. Each of them has different characteristics that we will develop below.

Equilateral triangle

The equilateral triangle is one that is characterized by having all equal sides. Consequently, all the angles of an equilateral triangle are 60º. The equilateral triangle is a regular polygon.


Isosceles triangle

Isosceles triangles are characterized by having two equal sides and one different side. Consequently, it also has two equal angles.

isosceles triangle

Scalene triangle

A scalene triangle is one that is characterized by having all its sides and angles unequal, that is, different from each other.

Scalene triangle

Types of triangles according to their angles

types of triangles according to the angles

Triangles can be classified according to the amplitude of their angles, which can be straight (equal to 90º); acute (less than 90º) and obtuse (greater than 90º).

Right triangle

Right triangles are those that are formed by a right angle and two acute angles. Therefore, the longest side is the hypotenuse.

For example, some isosceles and scalene triangles. That, however, can never happen with an equilateral triangle since the measure of its angles is invariable.

oblique triangle

Oblique triangles are those that are characterized by not having any right angles. In this group are both acute and obtuse angles that, although they are different from each other, share this characteristic.

  • Acute triangle: are those that have three acute angles.
  • Obtuse triangle: they are those that have an obtuse angle and two acute angles.


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