When 40% of a number is added to 42, the result is the number itself. The number is :

When 40% of a number is added to 42, the result is the number itself. The number is :
Posted on 19-12-2022

Ques - When 40% of a number is added to 42, the result is the number itself. The number is :

(a) 105

(b) 72 

(c) 70

(d) 82 

Solution - Let,

The number = x

(40% of x) + 42 = x

(40/100) * x = x - 42

(4/10)x = x - 42

4x = 10x - 420

4x - 10x = - 420

-6x = -420

x = 420/6

x = 70


The correct answer is (c) 70.

Thank You