20 Facts About Blountsville, Alabama: Interesting and Fun Facts

20 Facts About Blountsville, Alabama: Interesting and Fun Facts
Posted on 15-06-2023

20 Facts About Blountsville, Alabama, Zip Code - 35031

Blountsville, Alabama, is a small town located in Blount County in the northern part of the state. With its rich history, natural beauty, and community spirit, Blountsville offers a unique experience to residents and visitors alike. In this response, I will provide you with 20 detailed facts about Blountsville, exploring its history, demographics, notable features, and more. Let's delve into the fascinating details of this charming town.


  1. Location: Blountsville is situated in the northeastern part of Alabama, approximately 45 miles north of Birmingham, the largest city in the state. It rests in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, offering breathtaking natural surroundings.

  2. Founding and Early History: Blountsville was incorporated in 1818 and is one of the oldest towns in Blount County. It was named after Tennessee Governor Willie Blount and served as the county seat until 1889 when it was moved to nearby Oneonta.

  3. Historical Significance: Blountsville played a significant role in the early history of Alabama. It was a strategic location during the Creek War of 1813-1814, and the town served as a meeting place for negotiations between the U.S. government and Native American tribes.

  4. Native American Heritage: The area around Blountsville was home to the Cherokee and Creek tribes before European settlement. The town's name, "Blountsville," is derived from Chief Charlie Blount, a Native American leader of the Creek tribe.

  5. Blountsville Historic District: The Blountsville Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, showcases the town's historic architecture and landmarks. Visitors can explore numerous well-preserved buildings, including the Blountsville United Methodist Church and the Old Rock School.

  6. Agriculture: Blountsville has a strong agricultural heritage. The fertile soil and favorable climate have made it an ideal location for farming. Residents engage in various agricultural activities, including cattle farming, poultry production, and crop cultivation.

  7. Covered Bridges: Blount County, including Blountsville, is known for its picturesque covered bridges. Locally known as "kissing bridges," these historic structures add charm and character to the town. The Horton Mill Covered Bridge, located nearby, is the highest covered bridge above any U.S. waterway.

  8. Natural Beauty: Blountsville is surrounded by natural beauty, including rolling hills, scenic landscapes, and the Locust Fork of the Black Warrior River. The area offers opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and birdwatching.

  9. Festivals and Events: Blountsville hosts several annual events and festivals that bring the community together. The Blountsville Harvest Festival celebrates the town's agricultural roots, featuring live music, arts and crafts, food vendors, and a parade.

  10. Blountsville Historical Park: The Blountsville Historical Park provides a glimpse into the town's past. It features a collection of historical buildings, including log cabins, a schoolhouse, and a country store, showcasing the area's rural heritage.

  11. Education: Blountsville is served by the Blount County School District. The town has an elementary school, J.B. Pennington High School, and other nearby educational institutions for higher education.

  12. Community Involvement: Blountsville is known for its close-knit community and strong sense of civic pride. Residents actively participate in community events, volunteer organizations, and local government, contributing to the town's overall well-being.

  13. Blountsville Public Library: The Blountsville Public Library offers educational resources and community programs for residents of all ages. It serves as a hub for learning, research, and cultural enrichment.

  14. Blountsville Historical Society: The Blountsville Historical Society works to preserve and promote the town's history and heritage. The society organizes historical tours, lectures, and exhibitions, fostering an appreciation for the area's past.

  15. Healthcare: Blountsville is served by medical facilities and healthcare providers that cater to the community's needs. Residents have access to local clinics, hospitals, and specialized healthcare services in nearby towns.

  16. Blountsville Police Department: The Blountsville Police Department ensures the safety and security of the town's residents. They work in partnership with the community to maintain law and order and provide assistance in times of need.

  17. Blountsville Fire Department: The Blountsville Fire Department plays a vital role in protecting the town from fires and other emergencies. Comprising dedicated firefighters and first responders, they provide rapid response and life-saving services.

  18. Blountsville Municipal Airport: The Blountsville Municipal Airport serves as a transportation hub for general aviation in the area. It provides facilities for private aircraft and supports recreational flying and aviation-related activities.

  19. Economic Development: Blountsville is home to a mix of small businesses and locally owned shops that contribute to the town's economy. The community promotes entrepreneurship and encourages sustainable economic growth.

  20. Community Parks: Blountsville boasts several community parks and recreational areas. These parks offer amenities such as playgrounds, sports fields, walking trails, and picnic areas, providing residents with opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation.


In conclusion, Blountsville, Alabama, is a town rich in history, natural beauty, and community spirit. From its founding and Native American heritage to its agricultural roots and charming covered bridges, Blountsville offers a unique experience to residents and visitors. With its strong sense of community, dedication to preserving its heritage, and opportunities for outdoor recreation, Blountsville is a town that celebrates its past while embracing its future.

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