500 Science One-Line Questions Answered FOR RRB SSC Science Quiz

500 Science One-Line Questions Answered FOR RRB SSC Science Quiz
Posted on 20-12-2022

500 Science One-Line Questions Answered FOR RRB SSC Science Quiz

Questions related to General Science are compulsorily asked in all types of competitive exams. We are providing you with 500 such important questions which will prove to be very useful for your upcoming exams.

  1. Which mammal has the largest eyes?

    Ans. Deer
  2. Which country is the largest contributor to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions today?

    Ans. United States of America
  3. In which of the following industries mica is used as a raw material?

    Ans. Electricity
  4. Who invented the electric press?

    Ans. Henry Scheele
  5. Food gets cooked quickly in a pressure cooker because?

    Ans. The pressure inside the pressure cooker is high
  6. Boiling point of water on increasing the pressure?

    Ans. grows up
  7. 'For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.' Newton's

    Ans. the third rule is
  8. Which element is the enemy of copper?

    Ans. sulfur
  9. Sun appears red while rising and setting, because?

    Ans. red color is least scattered
  10. Who discovered radioactivity?

    Ans. Henri Becquerel
  11. Two plane mirrors are inclined to each other at an angle of 60°. What will be the number of images formed of a ball placed between them?

    Ans. five
  12. How does an air bubble inside water behave?

    Ans. a concave lens
  13. Which unit has the same quantity in all arrangements of units?

    Ans. specific gravity
  14. If a man is coming towards a plane mirror with a speed of 4 m/s, then with what speed would the image of the man in the mirror appear to be coming?

    Ans. 8 m/s
  15. Which mirror is placed next to the driver's seat in cars, trucks and buses?

    Ans. convex mirror
  16. Elements which have both metallic and non-metallic properties are called?

    Ans. metalloid
  17. Who is the father of Botany?

    Ans. theophrastus
  18. In which of the following the speed of sound will be maximum?

    Ans. in steel
  19. A person is standing on a rolling stool with arms outstretched. Suddenly he shrugs his arms, then the angular velocity of the stool

    Ans. will increase
  20. A bomb explodes on the moon. its voice on earth

    Ans. won't hear
  21. The reason for the lack of atmosphere on the moon is

    Ans. escape velocity
  22. If the length of a simple pendulum is increased by 4%, then its time period

    Ans. will increase by 2%
  23. A girl is swinging on a swing. Another girl comes and sits near him, then the time period of the swing

    Ans. remain unchanged
  24. We listen to the programs of different stations by turning the knob of the radio. it is possible

    Ans. due to resonance
  25. What is known by 'venturimeter'?

    Ans. water flow rate
  26. The ball keeps dancing in the spray of water at intersections because

    Ans. The pressure decreases as the velocity of water increases
  27. If the earth shrinks to half of its present radius without changing the mass, then the day will be

    Ans. 12 hour
  28. If a body is thrown from the earth with a velocity of 11.2 km/s, then the body

    Ans. never return to earth
  29. What experiment should an astronaut use to find the time in a satellite?

    Ans. spring watch
  30. If the radius of the earth decreases by 1%, but the mass remains the same, then the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth will be

    Ans. will decrease by 2%
  31. What is the unit of pressure?

    Ans. Pascal
  32. must have cooking utensils

    Ans. high specific heat low conductivity
  33. When water falls from a height in a waterfall, its heat

    Ans. increases
  34. The melting point of ice on the Kelvin scale is

    Year. -0°K
  35. The word Botany is derived from the word of which language?

    Ans. Greek
  36. Curie is the name of whose unit?

    Ans. radioactive dharmita
  37. Which color has the shortest wavelength?

    Ans. violet
  38. If the door of the refrigerator kept in the room is opened, then the temperature of the room

    Ans. will increase
  39. How many colors are there in rainbow?

    Ans. seven colors
  40. What is the time period of 'second pendulum'?

    Ans. 2 seconds
  41. Whose oath is administered to the students of medical science?

    Ans. Hippocrates
  42. What is the function of a radiator in a car?

    Ans. keep engine cool
  43. human body heat

    Year. 37°C
  44. far sighted person

    Ans. Near objects are not visible
  45. If the size of the printed letters is seen to increase on raising a lens placed above the book, then the lens

    Ans. is convex
  46. If the size of the letters appears smaller through a lens, then the lens

    Ans. is concave
  47. the stars twinkle

    Ans. due to refraction
  48. Which of the following is a particle with no charge?

    Ans. neutrons
  49. The study of internal structure of plants is called

    Ans. physiognomy
  50. Which of the following color has the highest refractive index

    Ans. Purple
  51. The depth of a pond filled with clean water appears to be 3 metres. If the refractive index of water with respect to air is 4/3, what will be the actual depth of the pond?

    Ans. 4 meters
  52. What is the unit of power of lens?

    Ans. diopter
  53. The working of radar is based on the following principle

    Ans. reflection of radio waves
  54. Which of the following statements is true according to Newton's laws of motion?

    Ans. The definition of force is known from the second law.
  55. What is the property of a body called, due to which it opposes any change in the state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line?

    Ans. Inertia
  56. A person trapped in a swamp is advised to lie down because?

    Ans. pressure decreases as the area increases
  57. When pieces of ice are pressed together, the pieces stick together because?

    Ans. Melting point of ice decreases with increase in pressure
  58. On what principle does the cooling system in a motor car work?

    Ans. convection only
  59. Which one of the following processes occurring in the body of living beings is a digestive process?

    Ans. breakdown of proteins into amino acids
  60. Which type of electromagnetic radiation is used for remote control in a television?

    Ans. hertz or short radio waves
  61. In whose atmosphere methane is present, that is?

    Ans. Jupiter
  62. Which enzyme helps in the digestion of proteins?

    Ans. trypsin
  63. In countries where the staple food of the people is polished rice, do people suffer?

    Ans. by beri-beri
  64. Accumulation of which of the following in muscles causes fatigue?

    Ans. lactic acid
  65. Is there a light year?

    Ans. distance traveled by light in one year
  66. Which instrument is used to measure the depth of the ocean?

    Ans. pedometer
  67. What material are the IC chips of computer made of?

    Ans. of silicon
  68. The imaginary line that falls on a spherical mirror passing through the focus and pole is called?

    Ans. main axis
  69. If the focus of an object falls on a concave mirror, then what will be its image?

    Ans. infinity
  70. Which metal reacts with acid and base to extract hydrogen?

    Ans. Zinc
  71. Who used the word biology for the first time?

    Ans. Lamarck and Treviranus
  72. What is the unit of work?

    Ans. joule
  73. Light year is the unit?

    Ans. of distance
  74. A substance made up of only one type of atom is called?

    Ans. elements
  75. A substance formed by combining two or more elements in a definite proportion in terms of quantity is called?

    Ans. Compound
  76. The fluctuations in the frequency of a sound source are called?

    Ans. doppler effect
  77. The number of vibrations that a particle makes in one second is called?

    Ans. frequency
  78. The speed of sound in air is 332 m/s. If the pressure is doubled, what will be the speed of sound?

    Ans. 332 m/s
  79. Which of the following is not a unit of time?

    Ans. light years
  80. Parsec is the unit?

    Ans. of distance
  81. Which of the following is a bad conductor of electricity in spite of being a metal?

    Ans. lead
  82. In which of the following non-metals metallic luster is found?

    Ans. graphite,iodine
  83. A balloon contains equal number of molecules of hydrogen and oxygen gas. If a hole is made in the balloon

    Ans. Hydrogen gas will come out faster
  84. Little bits of camphor dance on the surface of the water

    Ans. due to surface tension
  85. What is the maximum density of water?

    Ans. at 4°C
  86. If two satellites revolve in the same circular orbit, then their

    Ans. velocities will be the same
  87. If a packet is dropped from a satellite orbiting the earth, then

    Ans. will revolve around the earth with the same speed as the satellite
  88. Which of the following is a compound?

    Ans. ammonia
  89. The SI unit of Young's modulus of elasticity is

    Ans. newton/m2
  90. candela is the unit

    Ans. light intensity
  91. Water is a compound because

    Ans. It consists of two different elements joined by chemical bonds.
  92. The science that deals with the study of living beings is called

    Ans. the biology
  93. What is studied in Phycology?

    Ans. Algae
  94. Joule is the unit of which of the following

    Ans. energy
  95. When was the International System of Units introduced?

    Ans. 1971 AD
  96. Bats fly in the dark because

    Ans. bats produce ultrasonic waves
  97. Skating on ice demonstrates that, on increasing the pressure, the melting point of ice

    Ans. happens to
  98. Stainless steel is an alloy, while air is a

    Ans. mixture
  99. Environment is studied under which branch of biology?

    Ans. ecology
  100. What is the science of flower cultivation called?

    Ans. floriculture
  101. acceleration produced in a body by an unbalanced force

    Ans. is directly proportional to the force.
  102. Which of the following is a floating particle

    Ans. neutrons
  103. The components of the atomic nucleus are

    Ans. protons and neutrons
  104. The study related to the cultivation of ornamental trees and shrubs is called

    Ans. arboriculture
  105. Which lens is used in the spectacles of a person suffering from myopia?

    Ans. concave lens
  106. Which lens is used in the spectacles of a person suffering from farsightedness?

    Ans. convex lens
  107. force associated with action and reaction according to newton's third law of motion

    Ans. One should always be engaged in different things.
  108. 'For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.' it is

    Ans. Newton's third law of motion
  109. What is studied in mycology?

    Ans. fungus
  110. Swimming in water is possible because of which of Newton's laws of motion?

    Ans. third rule
  111. 'A body will remain at rest as long as no external force acts on it.' Whose statement is this?

    Ans. newton
  112. What are nucleons usually named for?

    Ans. protons and neutrons
  113. the positron is a

    Ans. positively charged electrons
  114. What is Agroforestry?

    Ans. planting woody perennials on the same land
  115. Which of the following is studied in Exo-biology?

    Ans. outer planets and life in space
  116. Monazite is the ore of?

    Ans. thorium
  117. Bauxite is the main ore of which of the following?

    Ans. aluminum
  118. What is carnallite a mineral of?

    Ans. magnesium
  119. 'Gun metal' is the ore of?

    Ans. copper, tin and zinc
  120. What is the reason for the characteristic odor of garlic?

    Ans. sulfur compound
  121. Is it easily soluble in water?

    Ans. nitrogen
  122. What is a type of heavy water?

    Ans. diluent
  123. Which of the following is not a colloid?

    Ans. blood
  124. Cheese is an example of?

    Ans. Gel
  125. The spice at the end of a matchstick is a mixture of the following?

    Ans. red phosphorus and sulfur
  126. Which one of the following is paramagnetic in nature?

    Ans. oxygen
  127. The element which does not react with oxygen is

    Ans. iodine
  128. Which of the following is the most stable element?

    Ans. lead
  129. Which of the following is lighter than water?

    Ans. sodium
  130. Which gas is present in normal tubelight?

    Ans. mercury vapor with argon
  131. Scientist 'Edward Jenner' is associated with which of the following diseases?

    Ans. chicken pox
  132. Which pollution causes kidney disease in humans?

    Ans. Cadmium (Cd)
  133. B.C.G. Which of the following diseases is vaccinated against?

    Ans. Tuberculosis disease
  134. What is the source of oxygen produced during photosynthesis?

    Ans. Water
  135. Which part of the plant does respiration?

    Ans. leaf
  136. Which gas is used for artificial ripening of unripe fruits?

    Ans. acetylene
  137. How is the age of trees determined?

    Ans. depending on the number of annual rings
  138. Which part of the donor's eye is used in eye donation?

    Ans. retina
  139. What is the number of chromosomes in a normal human?

    Ans. 46
  140. Which part of the human body has the longest bone?

    Ans. femur (thigh)
  141. Which hormone is injected into the udders of cows and buffaloes to extract milk?

    Ans. oxytocin
  142. Which statement is true regarding the test tube baby?

    Ans. The development of the baby takes place inside the test tube.
  143. How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body?

    Ans. 12
  144. Due to the accumulation of which fluid, the muscles start feeling tired?

    Ans. lactic acid
  145. Where are red blood cells formed in mammals?

    Ans. in bone marrow
  146. On what principle is the working of washing machine based?

    Ans. centrifuge
  147. What is the application of low temperatures (cryogenics)?

    Ans. In space travel, magnetic levitation and telemetry
  148. The tendency of a liquid drop to shrink to occupy the minimum area is due to?

    Ans. surface tension
  149. Which of the following is a vector quantity?

    Ans. -Impulse
  150. When an air bubble rises from the bottom of a lake to the upper surface, then its size?

    Ans. Will increase
  151. Alpha particle has two positive charges, its mass is almost equal

    Ans. -310
  152. The normal temperature of human body in Kelvin unit is

    Ans. of one atom of helium
  153. What is the application of cryogenic engines?

    Ans. in rocket technology
  154. Does light travel in vacuum?

    Ans. 3 X 108 m/s
  155. Which of the following is a vector quantity?

    Ans. velocity
  156. A precise clock is showing the time 3:00. What will be the time after the hour hand has rotated 135 degrees?

    Ans. 7:30
  157. What is the average distance of an astronomical unit?

    Ans. between earth and sun
  159. Who among the following had told before Newton that all objects are gravitated towards the earth?

    Ans. Aryabhata
  160. On what principle does a jet engine work?

    Ans. linear momentum conservation
  161. Why does the cyclist have to apply more force in the beginning? Who first used the word 'Biology'?

    Ans. The driver applies more force to overcome the inertia.
  162. Who first used the word 'Biology'?

    Ans. Lamarck and Treviranus
  163. Who is the father of 'Botany'?

    Ans. theophrastus
  164. Who is considered the father of 'Medical Science'?

    Ans. Hippocrates
  165. What is the study of flowers called?

    Ans. anthology
  166. Where is the Forest Research Institute located?

    Ans. Dehradun
  167. Where is the headquarter of 'Botanical Survey of India' located?

    Ans. Kolkata
  168. Who among the following is known as the 'Father of Taxonomy'?

    Ans. Carl Warne Linnaeus
  169. What is the basic unit of classification?

    Ans. species
  170. Who first discovered bacteria?

    Ans. leuven hawk
  171. In which true nucleus is absent?

    Ans. in bacteria
  172. What Causes Food Poisoning?

    Ans. by Clostridium botulinum
  173. Which of the following crops is helpful in nitrogen fixation?

    Ans. beans
  174. Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria?

    Ans. leprosy
  175. Freezing of a substance containing micro-organisms is a process whose function is

    Ans. -Deactivating bacteria
  176. The reason for curdling of milk is

    Ans. -Lactobacillus
  177. What are the fungi that grow on the bark of trees called?

    Ans. corticals
  178. Which of the following is the cause of scabies?

    Ans. fungus
  179. Lichens are made up of which two groups of plants?

    Ans. fungi and algae
  180. What are lichens indicative of?

    Ans. of air pollution
  181. In which of the following is 'Mulabhas' found in place of root?

    Ans. in bryophytes
  182. Which has the most number of chromosomes?

    Ans. in pteridophytes
  183. Which of the following is a 'living fossil'? - Cycas


  184. In which plant are respiratory roots found?

    Ans. in jusia
  185. From what is 'Sabudana' obtained?

    Ans. from Sykes
  186. Which of the following is not a root?

    Ans. potato
  187. the column is the root

    Ans. - adventitious roots
  188. From which part do roots develop?

    Ans. from the root
  189. What is a type of carrot?

    Ans. Root
  190. Which is the edible part of turmeric plant?

    Ans. rhizome
  191. Onion is a modified form of


  192. Electricity is supplied to homes at 220 volts. Displays 220 volts?

    Ans. average voltage
  193. are in the nucleus of an atom?

    Ans. protons and neutrons
  194. What is the unit of ampere?

    Ans. of electric current
  195. To which classification of anatomy does the lobster belong?

    Ans. crustaceans
  196. Which plants have the ability of nitrogen fixation?

    Ans. gram and other pulses
  197. What is the function of a fuse in an electric circuit?

    Ans. protects electrical circuit
  198. ultrasonic waves by humans

    Ans. - can't be heard
  199. What is the time period of geostationary satellite?

    Ans. 24 hours
  200. What is the frequency of ultrasonic waves?

    Ans. over 20,000 Hz
  201. What is the unit of frequency?

    Ans. hertz
  202. kg of sugar

    Ans. will be highest at sea level
  203. Who is called the father of medical science?

    Ans. Hippocrates
  204. What is the unit of lumen?

    Ans. of flame flux
  205. A balloon filled with hydrogen gas is taken from the earth to the moon, then the balloon on the moon

    Ans. - will explode
  206. If a lift is going up with a uniform velocity, then the weight of the person in it

    Ans. remain unchanged
  207. Why does the kerosene in the wick of a lantern go on rising steadily?

    Ans. due to surface tension
  208. The level of mercury in the barometer shows a sudden fall?

    Ans. storm
  209. If a fan is running in a room, then the temperature of the air in the room

    Ans. - grows
  210. Hot water takes 10 minutes to cool from 90°C to 80°C, then the time taken to cool from 80°C to 70°C is

    Ans. - more than 10 minutes
  211. Two vectors whose values ​​are different?

    Ans. their resultant cannot be zero
  212. A boat full of stones is floating in the river. If all the stones are dropped in the river, then the bottom of the shift

    Ans. - will remain the same
  213. sound waves cannot travel

    Ans. in a vacuum
  214. transformer is used

    Ans. - To convert alternating voltage high-low
  215. The walls below the dam are made thick because

    Ans. Fluid pressure increases with increase in depth
  216. The property of liquids, due to which it opposes the movement of its different layers, is called

    Ans. -viscosity
  217. Which of the following is a compound

    Ans. -Sand
  218. bleaching powder is

    Ans. -Compound
  219. Viscosity of gases on increase of temperature

    Ans. -increases
  220. Aquatic animals survive even after the freezing of lakes in cold countries because

    Ans. -Water under ice is at 4°C
  221. If there were no atmosphere on Earth, the duration of the day

    Ans. - would have been more
  222. Electric motor works according to the following principle

    Ans. -Faraday's law
  223. Which of the following bombs destroys lives but does not cause any damage to buildings?

    Ans. neutron bomb
  224. The following principle works in an atomic bomb

    Ans. - nuclear fission
  225. Photoelectric cell

    Ans. -converts light into electricity
  226. In which order are fans, bulbs etc. installed in houses?

    Ans. in parallel
  227. Who discovered X rays?

    Ans. Ronjan has
  228. Whose ore is pitch blandy?

    Ans. of radium
  229. The rays emanating from radioactive substances are

    Ans. alpha rays, beta rays, gamma rays
  230. Which of the following was discovered by James Chadwick?

    Ans. neutrons
  231. are exponents of the binomial method

    Ans. -Carn Warne Linnaeus
  232. What is ammonium chloride solution?

    Ans. acidic
  233. Which of the following elements is an oxide in refrigeration?

    Ans. nitrogen
  234. Which hormone rapidly increases the reproductive (egg production) of human females?

    Ans. estrogen
  235. Prolog language developed?

    Ans. in 1972
  236. Backbone is related to?

    Ans. from internet
  237. When did the web come into existence?

    Ans. in america
  238. Which of the following inert gas is not found in the atmosphere?

    Ans. argon
  239. Which important metal is used along with iron in making stainless steel?

    Ans. Chromium
  240. The filament of an electric bulb starts glowing when current is passed through it, but the wire carrying current in the filament does not glow. What is the reason of this?

    Ans. The resistance of the fiber is more than that of the wires.
  241. How many watts are there in one horse power?

    Ans. 746 watts
  242. Which of the following is a metalloid?

    Ans. Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth.
  243. Which of the following is a compound?

    Ans. ammonia
  244. The nucleus of an atom contains the following particles?

    Ans. protons and neutrons
  245. The study of plants that produce vegetables is called?

    Ans. alericulture
  246. Which of the following is a chemical compound?

    Ans. ammonia
  247. Suddenly a boy comes and sits on a rotating round table. What will be the effect on the angular velocity of the table?

    Ans. will decrease
  248. is the force product?

    Ans. mass and acceleration
  249. The branch of botany that deals with heredity and variation is called?

    Ans. genetics
  250. Or of objects falling freely in the void?

    Ans. have uniform acceleration
  251. Which physical quantity is obtained from the ratio of momentum and velocity of a substance?

    Ans. Mass
  252. In which units can we measure food energy?

    Ans. calories
  253. unit of electric current is

    Ans. -ampere
  254. Which of the following is neither an element nor a compound

    Ans. -Wind
  255. the fourth state of matter is

    Ans. -Plasma
  256. study of flowers is called

    Ans. -Anthology
  257. What is the unit of power of lens in SI-system?

    Ans. diopter
  258. fossils are studied in botany

    Ans. - of fossils