80% of a smaller number is 4 less than 40% of a larger number.

80% of a smaller number is 4 less than 40% of a larger number.
Posted on 31-12-2022

Ques - 80% of a smaller number is 4 less than 40% of a larger number. The larger number is 85 greater than the smaller one. The sum of these two number is :

(a) 325

(b) 425

(c) 235

(d) 500

Solution -


The smaller number = x


The larger number = x + 85


80% of smaller number = 40% of larger number - 4

80/100 × x = 40/100 (x + 85) - 4

0.8x = 0.4x + 34 - 4

0.8x - 0.4x = 30

0.4x = 30

x = 30/0.4

x = 75

Smaller number = 75

Larger number = x + 85

Larger number = 75 + 85

Larger number = 160

Therefore, The sum of these two number = 75 + 160

= 235


The correct option is (c) 235.

Thank You