A dealer buys a washing machine, listed at Rs. 10000 and gets 10% and 20% successive discounts.

A dealer buys a washing machine, listed at Rs. 10000 and gets 10% and 20% successive discounts.
Posted on 25-03-2023

Ques - A dealer buys a washing machine, listed at Rs. 10000 and gets 10% and 20% successive discounts. He spends 10% of his CP on tansport. At what price (in rupees) should he sell the washing machine to earn a profit of 10%?

(a) 8722

(b) 7892

(c) 8712

(d) 8840

Solution - 

CP of washing machine = 10000

10% discount,

CP after 10% discount = 10000 (90/100)

= 9000


20% discount,

CP after 20% discount = 9000 (80/100)

= 7200

He spends 10% of his CP on tansport.

CP = 7200 (110/100)

CP = 7920

SP = 7920 (110/100)

SP = 8712


He should sell the washing machine at Rs. 8712 to earn a profit of 10%. 


The correct answer is option (c) 8712.

Thank You