A man bought 18 oranges for a rupee and sold them at 12 oranges for a rupee.

A man bought 18 oranges for a rupee and sold them at 12 oranges for a rupee.
Posted on 18-03-2023

Ques - A man bought 18 oranges for a rupee and sold them at 12 oranges for a rupee. What is the profit percentage?

(a) 33.33%

(b) 50%

(c) 66.66%

(d) none of these 

Solution - 

CP of 18 oranges = 1

CP of 1 orange = 1/18

SP of 12 oranges = 1

SP of 1 orange = 1/12

SP of 18 oranges = (1/12) × 18

= 3/2

Profit = SP of 18 oranges - CP of 18 oranges

= 3/2 - 1

= 1/2

Profit percentage = 1/2 × 100

= 50%


The correct answer is option (b) 50%.

Thank You