A scientific calculator is available at Universal Shoppe in Hazratganz at 20% discount

A scientific calculator is available at Universal Shoppe in Hazratganz at 20% discount
Posted on 29-03-2023

Ques - A scientific calculator is available at Universal Shoppe in Hazratganz at 20% discount and the same is available at only 15% discount at Universal Shoppee Bhootnath Market. Ms. Agrawal has just sufficeint amount of Rs. 800 to purchase it at Universal Shoppe hazratganz. What is the amount that Ms. Agrawal has less that the required amount to purchase it at Universal Shoppe Bhootnath?

(a) Rs. 70

(b) Rs. 50

(c) Rs. 100

(d) Data insufficient

Solution - 


The CP = 100x

A scientific calculator is available at Universal Shoppe in Hazratganz at 20% discount.

SP at Universal Shoppe in Hazratganz = 100x (80/100)

= 80x


Ms. Agrawal has just sufficeint amount of Rs. 800 to purchase it at Universal Shoppe hazratganz.


80x = 800

x = 10

The same is available at only 15% discount at Universal Shoppee Bhootnath Market.

SP at Universal Shoppe in Bhootnath = 100x (85/100)

= 85x

= 85 (10)

= 850


= SP at Universal Shoppe in Bhootnath - SP at Universal Shoppe in Hazratganz

= 850 - 800

= 50


The amount that Ms. Agrawal has less that the required amount to purchase it at Universal Shoppe Bhootnath is Rs. 50.


The correct answer is option (b) Rs. 50.

Thank You