Agriculture - What is it? characteristics, types, importance, and more

Agriculture - What is it? characteristics, types, importance, and more
Posted on 12-03-2022


Economic activity consists of growing various plants on the land, in order to produce food.

What is agriculture?

Agriculture is an economic activity that consists of the cultivation of various plants on the land, in order to produce food to consume and meet the needs of some derived sectors, such as textiles, cosmetics, industrial, pharmacological, among others.

The word agriculture comes from a Latin word made up of two terms: Agri et culture. The first comes from ager, which means fields and territory; and the second comes from colere, which means to dwell and cultivate.

Due to the high impact of agriculture on ecosystems and the economy, this activity must be developed in a sustainable manner to allow a balance between the conservation of natural resources and the profitability of production systems.

Characteristics of agriculture

The following are the main characteristics of agriculture:

  • It is an economic activity of the primary sector.
  • Its main objective is the production of raw materials of plant origin.
  • Its role as a food producer is critical to food security and human nutrition.
  • Its primary force of production is biological.
  • It is a source that generates income and capital.
  • It has an important ecological role with respect to land and landscape management.

types of agriculture

Agriculture can be classified as follows:

  • Depending on the methods used:
    • Traditional agriculture: is agriculture characterized by the use of traditional empirical techniques that seek to preserve the customs of the region.
    • Industrial agriculture: is agriculture characterized by the massive production of large amounts of food, intensively using land and labor.
  • According to the form of water use:
    • Irrigated agriculture is agriculture characterized by the indispensable use of irrigation supplied by the farmer through natural or artificial methods.
    • Rainfed agriculture: it is the agriculture that is characterized in that it does not receive intervention from the farmer for the supply of water, since its irrigation is carried out through rain or subsoil water.
  • According to the means of production and the performance of the land:
    • Extensive agriculture: is agriculture characterized by the use of large areas for cultivation, with greater care of the soil but less production.
    • Intensive agriculture: is agriculture characterized by the use of limited surfaces for cultivation, with less care for the soil but higher production.
  • According to alternative means of production:
    • Organic agriculture: is agriculture characterized by the management of crop production through natural methods and free of chemicals and pesticides for the control of pests and diseases.
    • Natural agriculture: it is agriculture characterized by the cultivation of the land in a natural way, maintaining the nature-human balance and without the intervention of machinery for production.
    • Ecological agriculture: is agriculture characterized by the management of crop production in a way that respects the environment, preserving the fertility of the soil.

importance of agriculture

Agriculture has a very important role in the economic and social development of a country since it intervenes in different environments. For example, participating in food security and promoting exports and investments in the agricultural sector, increases the supply of crops and wood that produce variations in the markets.

Likewise, within its development, agriculture fulfills the following functions:

  • Economic function: develops the production of consumer goods that boost the economy.
  • Ecological function: develops proper land management and landscape harmonization.
  • Social function: develops the construction of rural and cultural life in the countryside.


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