Characteristics of Citizen Charter - GovtVacancy.Net

Characteristics of Citizen Charter - GovtVacancy.Net
Posted on 15-07-2022

Characteristics of Citizen Charter

Citizen's Manifesto is a powerful medium to give shape to the concept of good governance. It is a new concept popularized in the last decade of the 20th century, which emphasizes transparency, sensitivity, efficiency, and public satisfaction in the working of an organization. Therefore:  through this emphasis is laid on improving the quality of services of the administrative organization.


The following points are included in the Citizen's Declaration -

* In the initial part of the Citizen's Charter, some organizations present a brief description of the background of the issue of the Citizen's Charter and its usefulness. Under this, bringing transparency and accountability in the working of the organization, curbing corruption,  improving the performance, analyzing the suggestions received and using them in the interest of the organization by necessary improvements and establishing democratic administrative values, ​​etc. Huh.


* In the third part of the Citizen's Manifesto, there is a description of the scope of that organization, target class, etc.,  from which it is known for which services and for which classes the Citizen's Manifesto is for.


* In the fourth part of the Citizen's Declaration, it is described what are the rights of the common people receiving the services of the organization and what are the facilities and the nature of the rights.


* In the fifth part of the citizen's manifesto, it is described which branch of administration performs which work and the time period is fixed for completing all the works related to that branch. In most of the departments in India, this time period is often mentioned in the Citizen's Charter. This part has special importance in the interests of Indian democracy and the common people. Due to this, the public gets benefits on any work on time.


* In the last part of the Citizen's Manifesto, it is described that if any deficiency at any level of administration, the administration is not completed within the stipulated period, then what should be the place of complaint of the general public. That is, the general public will file a complaint against the officer assigned for his work. Therefore, in this situation, the Citizen's Manifesto emerges as a means of transparency, accountability, and maximum satisfaction of the public in administrative work.


* After the implementation of the 'Right to Information Act, 2005' in India, some administrative organizations have also started giving details of this right in their citizen's manifesto. Citizens' Charters have been prepared and issued to the general public in several Ministries and Departments of the Government of India.

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