Concentration problems? What can it be due to?

Concentration problems? What can it be due to?
Posted on 18-03-2022

Attention or concentration problems can have very diverse origins. Of course, organic and neurological factors influence, but also cognitive and emotional aspects, as well as environmental ones. Food, routines, and a sedentary lifestyle are also factors that alter our attention span. The hours of sleep and the quality of rest are both essential to be able to concentrate.

There are many factors involved. There are issues that manifest from early development. Diagnoses of Attention deficit in children are the order of the day. But what factors can really intervene in this? Can we think that the current society in which we live has an impact on this increase in cases?

Without a doubt, and beyond the other intervening factors, the age of speed and information in which we currently live has a considerable influence on these manifestations.

It goes without saying that we live in a time when there is too much of everything and at the same time and with a speed that does not allow the development of processes and times necessary to obtain results. These dynamics considerably alter the attentional capacity. Just as the windows on a computer open in parallel, our mind also opens parallel windows in the face of the abundance of information and options available.

That speed that technology allows us translates into a speed of thought and an experience of anxiety that can become chronic. Living in a hurry, constantly looking at the next step, observing what we lack, accompanied by a barrage of offers of products and services that promise the satisfaction of those needs, undoubtedly makes it difficult to cut back on the necessary care.

As we said before, it is a lot, of everything, and at the same time. If the choice of cut is difficult, attention is difficult. Whenever we have many channels open simultaneously, which, on the other hand, is what technology constantly demands, the amount of attention devoted to each thing will be less. Our psychic energy is not inexhaustible, we must take care of it and preserve it for what is really important to us. Otherwise, it seeps and drains, ending in mental exhaustion and a permanent feeling of not having done enough.

The age of speed proposes us to do a lot but superficially. It does not offer what is necessary to be able to dedicate time to something and deepen it. Multiplicity is enriching if we can regulate and prioritize it. But it can be overwhelming. That is why it is important initially to attend to the stimuli that we receive when thinking about attention difficulties today.

If we are constantly with a screen in front of us or next to us, while we are doing something else, and at the same time thinking about something else, and suddenly remembering something, we will hardly be able to attend to one of them completely. That is why it is important to slow down, prioritize and reduce the stimuli present when trying to concentrate.

It can also be a good resource to do a little meditation before starting a task that requires specific concentration, such as reading or studying, trying to reduce environmental stimuli.

Although attentional issues do not manifest themselves in the same way in all people, nor will this that we mention necessarily be the cause in all cases, we must deal with what is happening collectively in our current times. Before resorting to other types of treatments, it is convenient to register and question ourselves, what our rhythms are like and what impact technological devices and multiple stimuli have on our daily lives.

Attention and concentration imply all kinds of integral factors to take into account, this being one of the main ones to observe today.


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