Delhi to Khatu Shyam Rajasthan distance by train

Delhi to Khatu Shyam Rajasthan distance by train
Posted on 14-07-2023

Delhi to Khatu Shyam Rajasthan distance by train

The distance between Delhi and Khatu Shyam, Rajasthan, can be covered by train. The nearest railway station to Khatu Shyam is Reengus Junction (RE), which is well-connected to Delhi. The approximate distance and time taken to travel from Delhi to Reengus Junction are as follows:

  • Distance: The distance between Delhi and Reengus Junction is approximately 230 kilometers (143 miles).

  • Time taken: The train journey from Delhi to Reengus Junction can vary depending on the train and its schedule. On average, it takes around 4 to 6 hours to reach Reengus Junction from Delhi by train.

After reaching Reengus Junction, you can take local transportation like taxis or buses to travel the remaining distance of approximately 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) to reach Khatu Shyam.

Please note that train schedules and distances are subject to change, so it is advisable to check with the Indian Railways or relevant websites for the latest information and availability of trains between Delhi and Reengus Junction.

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