Elevator pitch - What is it, features, how to do it? and more

Elevator pitch - What is it, features, how to do it? and more
Posted on 02-03-2022

elevator pitch

Project presentation technique that aims to capture the listener's attention in the time that an elevator ride would take.

What is an elevator pitch?

The elevator pitch, or elevator speech, is a project presentation technique that aims to capture the listener's attention in the time that an elevator ride would take, that is, between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. The message, then, must be brief, clear, and arouse curiosity.

It is a summary that provides a clear and concise vision of a company, a service, or a product, and that has the objective of interesting the interlocutor to get an interview or meeting.

It should be noted that the elevator pitch is not a sales pitch, but a conversation to get a longer meeting where you can discuss the business model in detail.

Characteristics of an elevator pitch

You are supposed to have only one opportunity to make a good impression on the listener, so the elevator pitch should be constituted as follows:

  • Clear: we must be clear about the objective for which we started the conversation. Why do I want to interview this person? What am I trying to achieve? Why do I want to get it?
  • Concise: it must be brief and convincing since there is not much time to capture the attention of the receiver.
  • Concrete: you have to focus on what is important, providing the necessary data to arouse interest. If everything goes as planned, you will have the opportunity to develop the project in more time.
  • Passionate: it is very important to believe in the project, show conviction, and, consequently, transmit passion.

How to make an elevator pitch?

To build a good elevator speech, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Define the audience: in order to take advantage of the little time you have, it is important to know your interlocutors very well. It is suggested to investigate their profiles and characteristics in order to develop a message that captures their attention.
  2. Headline – You need to have a “one sentence” ready to serve as a headline that is related to your goal and audience so that it grabs attention. It can also be a question that challenges the listener, for example: “did you know that 35% of people in the country are not satisfied with the service of…?”.
  3. Development: information about the equipment must be provided, describe the problem, the need, and the solution. Likewise, the current state of the project, where it is going, its competitive advantage, and the request (what is needed) should be commented on.
  4. Closing – Consists of a call to action. For example, requesting a meeting with the investor to explain the project in detail.

Elevator pitch examples

Here are some examples of elevator pitch speeches, for a better understanding of the concept:



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