Frustration and aggressive discharge.

Frustration and aggressive discharge.
Posted on 20-03-2022

Frustration is closely related to aggressiveness. Anger occurs when encountering an obstacle in the realization of a need or desire. Frustration implies precisely that difficulty. Therefore, it is common for frustration, anger, and aggressiveness to be related.

In the face of frustration, the first reaction is usually anger, and in the face of this, it is usually discharged aggressively. Sometimes through words, and sometimes physically. Aggressive discharges resulting from frustration can be directed outwards or towards the person himself. When they are directed outwards, that is, they are discharged on others, they imply a tendency to blame or project the cause of one's own frustrations onto the environment. In the event that the aggressiveness is directed towards one's own person, self-punishment mechanisms are put into play.

Aggressive discharge is, among other things, a way that the psyche uses to release tension. When something overwhelms us, exhausts us, or we no longer know what resources to deploy to solve it, we begin to feel great internal tension, which tends towards downloading. The problem is not aggressiveness in itself because all people have aggressive impulses, the issue is how to discharge it in the least harmful way possible for oneself and for others.

When we talk about tolerance to frustration we refer to a capacity that develops from early childhood, and that depends largely on upbringing, emotional support, and how emotions are managed within the family.

Issues of the boy or girl that gradually become present also intervene. Not all children are the same, and they react differently to what happens in the environment. There are certain pictures, for example, such as those who are located within the autistic spectrum, which usually has a low tolerance for frustration.

Having a greater tolerance for frustration prepares us for life and to go through the different changes and unexpected events that may come. It allows us to adapt and develop greater flexibility in the face of what happens. However, being fully adapted or over-adapted is also not the goal, and frustration is very much a part of life.

Rather than avoid it, the goal is to be able to deal with it in a healthier way. The frustration and the aggressive discharge that accompanies it are harmful if they have been violently discharged in the environment or towards the person himself.

Working on self-demand is a good resource to reduce the impact of frustrations. In general, we get more frustrated the greater the expectation we have placed on the result, and the more critical and demanding we are of ourselves. If the self-demand is relaxed, the frustration may also subside a little.

Aggressiveness must also have an alternative discharge channel. Physical activity and art help metabolize and discharge those impulses in a healthy way. Doing it regularly helps reduce that internal tension that arises in the face of daily conflicts.

We are in a period in which it becomes essential to be able to work on aggressiveness, which, if not addressed, is discharged massively on others. Reading and disseminating the correct information and starting treatment are ways to take responsibility for and work on your own frustrations and impulses.


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