GATE - 1997 | OS | Locality of reference implies that the page reference being made by

GATE - 1997 | OS | Locality of reference implies that the page reference being made by
Posted on 01-03-2022

GATE - 1997 [Operating System]


Locality of reference implies that the page reference being made by a process


will always be to the page used in the previous page reference


is likely to be to one of the pages used in the last few page references


will always be to one of the pages existing in memory


will always lead to a page fault


Option (B) is Correct.

Locality of reference is also called as principle of locality. There are three different principle of locality:

(1) Temporal locality
(2) Spatial locality
(3) Sequential locality

→ In programs related data are stored in consecutive locations and loops in same locations are used repeatedly.


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