Great Leadership is about Initiating, Sustaining, and Carrying through Ones Vision

Great Leadership is about Initiating, Sustaining, and Carrying through Ones Vision
Posted on 30-08-2023

Leadership is a developed skill that hinges on three essential attributes, disproving the notion that leaders are born, not made. These qualities can be cultivated through deliberate efforts, enabling anyone to achieve effective leadership.

Firstly, leaders must possess a compelling vision that can inspire their followers and teams. While some regard visionary leadership as an exclusive trait, it can be attained through diligence, attention to detail, and the integration of strategic thinking with meticulous execution.

Exceptional leadership isn't confined to graduates of prestigious institutions; rather, it emerges through the initiation of a vision, its sustained momentum, and successful implementation. Merely having a vision isn't sufficient, and diligence alone falls short. Similarly, a broad perspective lacks impact without rigorous execution. Thus, a triumphant leader must encompass all these facets while also having the knack to anticipate emerging trends—essentially leading from the future.

Examples from the corporate world underscore this. Figures like Lee Iacocca, who excelled at Ford and Chrysler, exhibited these qualities. Contemporary instances include Steve Jobs, who mastered these traits and foresaw future trends. Asian exemplars like the Infosys founders embodied vision, holistic perspective, hands-on execution, and attention to detail. Ratan Tata revived a faltering conglomerate by integrating these attributes. Conversely, failures like Carly Fiorina at Hewlett Packard and Steve Ballmer at Microsoft reveal that lacking execution and implementation derails even visionary leaders.

Surpassing corporate boundaries, political figures like Lee Kuan Yew transformed Singapore using vision, discipline, meticulousness, and strategic foresight. Conversely, Donald Rumsfeld's unfulfilled vision shows that balance among the three tenets of this discourse is pivotal for extraordinary leadership.

Leadership is a skill developed through vision, diligent execution, and anticipatory acumen. The leaders and failures across sectors emphasize that these qualities must harmonize for truly exceptional leadership.

Great leadership is a multifaceted and dynamic concept that has captivated thinkers, scholars, and practitioners for centuries. At its core, leadership is about guiding and influencing a group of individuals towards a common goal or vision. While there are various leadership styles and approaches, one perspective that resonates with many is the idea that great leadership involves initiating, sustaining, and carrying through one's vision. This triad encapsulates the essence of leadership, encompassing the inception of a compelling vision, the ability to nurture and maintain it over time, and the determination to see it through to fruition. In this discourse, we will delve into each of these dimensions, exploring their significance, challenges, and the underlying skills that contribute to effective leadership.

Initiating a Vision:

At the heart of great leadership lies the capacity to envision a future that is different from the present and to inspire others to share in that vision. The initiation of a vision is a seminal moment, marking the inception of change, growth, and progress. Leaders who possess the ability to articulate a clear and compelling vision can ignite a spark of enthusiasm and motivation within their teams, propelling them towards higher aspirations.

Initiating a vision requires a profound understanding of the current context, identifying gaps or opportunities, and conceptualizing a path to a more desirable future state. This necessitates a combination of strategic thinking, creativity, and a deep connection to the needs and aspirations of the individuals being led. A visionary leader must be adept at recognizing trends, foreseeing potential obstacles, and crafting a narrative that resonates with the values and aspirations of their followers.

However, the initiation of a vision is not a one-time event. It requires continuous refinement and adaptation based on evolving circumstances, feedback, and insights. Additionally, the process of initiating a vision demands effective communication skills. A leader's ability to convey their vision in a compelling manner, using language that evokes emotion and paints a vivid picture of the future, is pivotal in garnering the support and commitment of their team.

Sustaining a Vision:

While initiating a vision is undoubtedly crucial, sustaining that vision over time is equally, if not more, challenging. Sustaining a vision necessitates a range of skills and qualities, including resilience, adaptability, and the capacity to navigate the inevitable obstacles that arise on the journey towards the envisioned future.

One of the key challenges in sustaining a vision is maintaining alignment among team members. As a vision evolves and the journey progresses, individuals within the team may develop varying interpretations or divergent ideas about the direction to take. This is where effective communication, transparent decision-making, and a strong sense of purpose come into play. A leader's ability to foster an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued can help mitigate misunderstandings and keep the team united around the core vision.

Furthermore, the role of a leader in sustaining a vision extends beyond organizational boundaries. External factors, such as market shifts, technological advancements, and socio-political changes, can impact the viability of a vision. A visionary leader must remain attuned to these external dynamics, making the necessary adjustments to ensure the continued relevance and feasibility of the vision. This requires a delicate balance between steadfast commitment to the core values and adaptability in the face of changing circumstances.

Intrinsic to sustaining a vision is the cultivation of a strong organizational culture. Culture plays a pivotal role in determining the collective mindset, behaviors, and values within a team or organization. A leader who can embed the vision within the culture fosters an environment where the vision is not merely a set of words, but a lived reality. This involves nurturing a sense of ownership and shared responsibility among team members, enabling them to feel personally invested in the vision's success.

Carrying Through a Vision:

The journey from vision initiation to realization is often marked by numerous hurdles, setbacks, and moments of doubt. Carrying through a vision requires unwavering determination, resilience, and the ability to navigate ambiguity. It is in this phase that a leader's true mettle is tested, as they must inspire and guide their team through the challenges that inevitably arise.

A critical aspect of carrying through a vision is strategic execution. This involves translating the visionary ideas into actionable plans, allocating resources, setting milestones, and monitoring progress. An effective leader possesses project management skills that allow them to break down the vision into manageable steps, assign responsibilities, and ensure accountability at all levels.

In addition to operational prowess, emotional intelligence and empathy play a crucial role in carrying through a vision. When faced with setbacks or moments of uncertainty, a leader's ability to provide support, encouragement, and reassurance can bolster team morale and maintain a sense of purpose. This emotional resilience is intertwined with a leader's authenticity – the ability to acknowledge challenges while remaining steadfast in their commitment to the vision.

As the journey progresses, effective communication continues to be paramount. Regularly sharing updates, celebrating milestones, and acknowledging individual and collective contributions can keep the team engaged and motivated. Moreover, a leader's transparency in addressing challenges and setbacks fosters an environment of trust and collaboration, empowering the team to work together to overcome obstacles.

The Interplay and Challenges:

Initiating, sustaining, and carrying through a vision are not discrete phases but rather interwoven threads in the tapestry of leadership. The challenges that arise within each dimension often influence the others, creating a complex web of dynamics that a leader must navigate. For instance, sustaining a vision requires the ability to adapt based on changing circumstances – a skill that is closely tied to the initial capacity to envision a future that accommodates different scenarios.

Likewise, carrying through a vision relies on the ability to sustain enthusiasm and commitment over time. A vision that loses its luster or fails to adapt to changing circumstances risks becoming stagnant or disconnected from reality. In this sense, the ability to sustain and carry through a vision is rooted in the initial capacity to initiate a vision that is both aspirational and pragmatic.

Another challenge arises from the tension between individual and collective needs. A leader must strike a delicate balance between catering to the aspirations and growth of individual team members while steering the collective towards the shared vision. This requires a nuanced understanding of individual motivations, strengths, and areas for development, as well as the ability to align these with the broader organizational goals.


In conclusion, great leadership is indeed about initiating, sustaining, and carrying through one's vision. The art of leadership lies in the seamless integration of these dimensions, each influencing and reinforcing the others. Initiating a vision requires the ability to anticipate future possibilities and craft a compelling narrative that ignites enthusiasm. Sustaining a vision involves maintaining alignment, adapting to changing circumstances, and embedding the vision within the organizational culture. Carrying through a vision demands strategic execution, emotional resilience, and effective communication.

Effective leadership is not a static formula but an ongoing journey of growth and adaptation. It requires a deep commitment to personal development, a willingness to learn from failures, and an openness to feedback. The ability to initiate, sustain, and carry through a vision is a dynamic process that calls for a blend of strategic acumen, emotional intelligence, and a genuine passion for making a positive impact on the lives of individuals and the trajectory of organizations. Ultimately, great leadership is an evolving pursuit that continues to shape and reshape the world we inhabit.

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