Hands on Approach to Leadership: The Need for Leaders to be Good Administrators

Hands on Approach to Leadership: The Need for Leaders to be Good Administrators
Posted on 01-09-2023

The modern-day leadership landscape challenges the traditional notion that leaders should merely envision plans and delegate their execution. Instead, contemporary leaders must adopt a hands-on approach that involves not only strategic vision but also a deep understanding of the practical aspects of implementation and administration.

While effective delegation is crucial, leaders must actively monitor and track the progress of plans to ensure successful execution. They should comprehend the intricacies of implementation and have practical experience in this regard.

In many cases, modern leaders rise through the ranks, gaining expertise in execution and administration before taking on visionary roles. This combination of practical experience and strategic vision is vital for their success.

Balancing visionary planning with astute administration is essential. Leaders must possess a compelling vision for their organizations, command respect from their followers, and engage all stakeholders effectively. Leadership today demands both high-level strategic thinking and hands-on involvement in execution and administration.

A hands-on leadership approach involves a deep understanding of implementation processes, including identifying potential bottlenecks and obstacles. Leaders should be aware of real-world barriers and bureaucratic challenges, drawing on their administrative experience to create detailed plans and see them through to completion.

Modern leaders actively participate in monitoring plans, attending meetings to review progress, and identifying any issues causing delays. Importantly, they strike a balance between administrative responsibilities and visionary leadership, avoiding micromanagement.

Notable examples of hands-on leaders include Steve Jobs of Apple, renowned for his visionary leadership and active involvement in product design and marketing. Another example is India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, known for both his innovative schemes and hands-on approach to administration.

Leaders should not inherit their positions through hereditary succession but rather come up through the ranks, gaining a deep understanding of governance and execution. A hands-on leadership approach benefits all stakeholders, and aspiring leaders should consider this perspective as they embark on their careers.

Hands-On Approach to Leadership: The Need for Leaders to be Good Administrators

Leadership is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various skills, traits, and qualities. While many discussions on leadership focus on visionary, strategic, or charismatic aspects of leadership, there is an equally important dimension that often goes overlooked - the need for leaders to be good administrators. This hands-on approach to leadership, rooted in effective administrative skills, is essential for the success and sustainability of any organization. In this comprehensive essay, we will explore the significance of administrative competence in leadership, the key attributes of good administrators, and how leaders can develop and apply administrative skills to enhance their effectiveness.

The Role of Administration in Leadership:

To understand the importance of administration in leadership, it's crucial to first clarify what administration entails within the context of an organization. Administration refers to the systematic and efficient management of resources, processes, and people to achieve organizational goals and objectives. It involves tasks such as planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling various aspects of an organization's operations. Effective administration ensures that the day-to-day activities run smoothly, resources are optimized, and the organization remains efficient and effective.

Leadership, on the other hand, involves setting a vision, inspiring others, and guiding the organization toward achieving its long-term goals. While leadership is often associated with strategic thinking, innovation, and inspiring people, it cannot function optimally without strong administrative support.

Here are some key reasons why administration is crucial within leadership:

  1. Execution of Vision: Leadership is not just about having a vision but also about translating that vision into action. Administrators are responsible for breaking down the vision into manageable tasks, allocating resources, and ensuring that the necessary steps are taken to move the organization closer to its goals.

  2. Resource Management: Efficient use of resources, including finances, human resources, and time, is central to organizational success. Administrators play a vital role in budgeting, resource allocation, and ensuring that resources are used optimally to support the organization's objectives.

  3. Operational Efficiency: Good administration ensures that day-to-day operations run smoothly and efficiently. This includes managing workflows, processes, and logistics, all of which are essential for the organization to function effectively.

  4. Risk Management: Leaders need to make informed decisions and mitigate risks effectively. Administrators collect data, analyze trends, and provide valuable insights that enable leaders to make well-informed decisions and reduce potential risks.

  5. Communication and Coordination: Effective communication and coordination are vital within any organization. Administrators facilitate communication between different departments, teams, and stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is aligned with the organization's goals.

Attributes of Good Administrators:

To be a successful leader with strong administrative skills, one must possess specific attributes and qualities. These attributes not only contribute to effective administration but also enhance the overall leadership capability. Here are some key attributes of good administrators:

  1. Organizational Skills: Good administrators are highly organized. They can manage multiple tasks, set priorities, and create structured systems that allow for efficient operations.

  2. Attention to Detail: The ability to pay close attention to details is crucial in administration. Small oversights can lead to significant problems, so administrators must be meticulous in their work.

  3. Problem-Solving Ability: Administrators often encounter challenges and obstacles. Being able to analyze problems, identify solutions, and implement effective strategies is a vital skill.

  4. Decision-Making: Administrators are required to make decisions regularly. These decisions may range from routine matters to complex issues. Strong decision-making skills are essential for effective administration.

  5. Time Management: Time is a valuable resource, and good administrators excel at time management. They prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and ensure that work is completed efficiently.

  6. Communication Skills: Effective communication is fundamental in administration. Administrators must convey information clearly, listen actively, and foster open communication within the organization.

  7. Adaptability: The business environment is dynamic, and administrators must be adaptable to changing circumstances. Flexibility in response to evolving situations is a valuable trait.

  8. Financial Acumen: Understanding financial principles, budgeting, and resource allocation is essential for effective resource management within an organization.

  9. Conflict Resolution: Conflict can arise within any organization. Administrators should have the skills to address and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.

  10. Team Leadership: Administrators often lead teams responsible for various functions. Effective team leadership involves motivating, mentoring, and guiding team members toward common goals.

Developing Administrative Skills for Leadership:

Now that we understand the significance of administrative skills in leadership and the key attributes of good administrators, let's explore how leaders can develop and apply these skills to enhance their leadership effectiveness.

  1. Education and Training:

    • Leaders can seek formal education in business administration, management, or leadership. Many universities and institutions offer programs that focus on administrative skills.
    • Continuous learning through workshops, seminars, and online courses can help leaders stay updated on best practices in administration.
  2. Mentorship:

    • Seeking mentorship from experienced administrators can provide invaluable insights. Mentorship can help leaders learn from others' experiences and gain practical knowledge.
  3. On-the-Job Experience:

    • The best way to learn administrative skills is by gaining hands-on experience. Leaders can take on roles with administrative responsibilities or collaborate closely with administrative teams.
  4. Self-Assessment:

    • Leaders should regularly assess their administrative skills and identify areas that need improvement. Self-awareness is the first step toward growth.
  5. Delegation:

    • Effective delegation is a critical administrative skill. Leaders should learn to delegate tasks to capable team members, allowing them to focus on higher-level strategic responsibilities.
  6. Time Management:

    • Implementing time management techniques such as the Eisenhower Matrix or the Pomodoro Technique can help leaders prioritize tasks and make better use of their time.
  7. Financial Literacy:

    • Leaders can improve their financial acumen by studying financial reports, participating in financial planning discussions, and seeking guidance from financial experts.
  8. Communication Enhancement:

    • Leaders can attend communication workshops to improve their interpersonal and negotiation skills. Effective communication is essential in administration.
  9. Problem-Solving Practice:

    • Leaders can practice problem-solving by taking on challenging projects, conducting root cause analyses, and seeking innovative solutions to organizational issues.
  10. Leadership Development Programs:

    • Many organizations offer leadership development programs that include training in administrative skills. Leaders can participate in such programs to enhance their capabilities.

Application of Administrative Skills in Leadership:

Now, let's explore how administrative skills can be applied in various aspects of leadership:

  1. Strategic Planning:

    • Administrators assist leaders in developing and executing strategic plans by breaking down long-term goals into actionable steps.
    • They also ensure that resources are allocated appropriately to support strategic initiatives.
  2. Resource Management:

    • Good administrators manage the organization's resources effectively, which allows leaders to make informed decisions about investments, cost-cutting measures, and expansion plans.
    • They monitor budgets, track expenses, and identify areas where cost savings can be achieved.
  3. Operational Efficiency:

    • Administrators streamline processes and workflows to enhance operational efficiency. This helps leaders deliver products or services more effectively and at lower costs.
    • They identify bottlenecks and implement process improvements to optimize productivity.
  4. Data Analysis and Decision-Making:

    • Administrators gather and analyze data to provide leaders with actionable insights. This data-driven approach helps leaders make informed decisions.
    • They also create reports and presentations to communicate data findings effectively.
  5. Risk Management:

    • Administrators assess risks and work with leaders to develop risk mitigation strategies. This collaborative effort ensures that the organization can anticipate and respond to potential threats.
  6. Communication and Team Building:

    • Administrators facilitate communication within the organization by ensuring that information flows smoothly between teams and departments.
    • They also play a role in team building by promoting a positive work culture and resolving conflicts when they arise.
  7. Project Management:

    • Leaders often oversee major projects. Administrators excel in project management, ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and according to specifications.
    • They use project management tools and methodologies to track progress and manage resources efficiently.
  8. Crisis Management:

    • During crises or emergencies, administrators work closely with leaders to implement crisis management plans. They coordinate response efforts and ensure that the organization can navigate challenging situations effectively.
  9. Customer and Stakeholder Relations:

    • Administrators often interact with customers and stakeholders. Their ability to communicate effectively and address concerns contributes to strong relationships, which are essential for an organization's success.
  10. Continuous Improvement:

    • Administrators focus on continuous improvement by identifying areas where processes can be enhanced, resources can be better utilized, and operational costs can be reduced.
    • This commitment to improvement aligns with the leader's goal of advancing the organization.

Case Studies: Leaders with Strong Administrative Skills

Let's explore two case studies of leaders who exemplify the importance of strong administrative skills in their leadership roles:

Case Study 1: Jack Welch (Former CEO of General Electric)

Jack Welch is often regarded as one of the most successful CEOs of the 20th century. His tenure at General Electric (GE) is a testament to the power of effective administration in leadership. Welch, known for his "Neutron Jack" nickname, was a hands-on leader with exceptional administrative skills.

  • Strategic Planning: Welch initiated a strategy called "Number One or Number Two" which aimed to make GE the leader or second-best in every market they served. His administrative acumen helped him execute this strategy efficiently.

  • Resource Management: He implemented a rigorous performance evaluation system called "Rank and Yank" to allocate resources effectively. This system involved regularly assessing employees and retaining only the top performers, ensuring the company's resources were dedicated to the most valuable talent.

  • Operational Efficiency: Welch drove operational efficiency by simplifying GE's complex organizational structure and eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy. He also divested underperforming businesses to focus on core operations.

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Welch relied heavily on data to make decisions. He implemented the "Work-Out" program, which encouraged employees to identify problems and propose solutions based on data and analysis.

  • Communication and Team Building: Welch emphasized open communication within GE. He regularly communicated with employees through initiatives like "Neutron Jack's" town hall meetings, fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration.

  • Continuous Improvement: Throughout his leadership, Welch encouraged a culture of continuous improvement. He believed that GE should always strive for better performance and efficiency.

Jack Welch's success as a leader was not solely due to his visionary thinking but also his exceptional administrative skills. His ability to execute strategies, manage resources, and drive operational excellence contributed significantly to GE's growth and success during his tenure.

Case Study 2: Angela Merkel (Former Chancellor of Germany)

Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, is another example of a leader who demonstrated strong administrative skills in a political context. Merkel's leadership style was characterized by pragmatism, attention to detail, and effective management of complex political situations.

  • Strategic Planning: Merkel was known for her cautious and methodical approach to policymaking. She carefully analyzed the potential consequences of policies and made decisions based on a long-term strategic vision.

  • Resource Management: As Chancellor, Merkel oversaw Germany's budget and economic policies during challenging times, such as the European financial crisis. Her fiscal discipline and management of resources contributed to Germany's economic stability.

  • Operational Efficiency: Merkel managed a coalition government with different political parties, which required skillful negotiation and compromise. Her ability to maintain political stability and consensus was crucial for governance.

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Merkel relied on data and expert advice, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. She made decisions based on scientific evidence and expert recommendations, demonstrating a commitment to data-driven governance.

  • Communication and Team Building: Merkel's leadership style was characterized by calm and measured communication. She built strong alliances within the European Union and maintained open channels of communication with international leaders.

  • Continuous Improvement: Merkel's pragmatic approach allowed her to adapt to changing circumstances. Her leadership during the European financial crisis and the refugee crisis demonstrated her ability to respond effectively to evolving challenges.

Angela Merkel's leadership was marked by her strong administrative skills, which allowed her to navigate complex political landscapes and steer Germany through various crises. Her attention to detail, data-driven approach, and ability to manage resources effectively contributed to her success as a leader.


In conclusion, a hands-on approach to leadership that emphasizes the importance of leaders being good administrators is essential for the success and sustainability of organizations. Effective administration complements visionary leadership by translating ideas into actionable plans, managing resources efficiently, ensuring operational excellence, and mitigating risks.

Leaders who possess strong administrative skills excel in strategic planning, resource management, operational efficiency, data-driven decision-making, communication, team building, and continuous improvement. These skills enable leaders to execute their vision effectively and navigate challenges with agility.

To develop and apply administrative skills, leaders can pursue education and training, seek mentorship, gain on-the-job experience, and engage in continuous self-assessment. By doing so, they can enhance their leadership effectiveness and contribute to the long-term success of their organizations.

In the case studies of Jack Welch and Angela Merkel, we see how leaders with strong administrative skills have made significant impacts in their respective fields. Whether in the corporate world or politics, the ability to combine visionary leadership with effective administration is a powerful recipe for success.

Ultimately, leadership is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a holistic approach. Leaders who recognize the need for strong administrative skills alongside their visionary qualities are better equipped to lead their organizations to greatness and navigate the complexities of the modern world.

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