How to improve your relationship with your body?

How to improve your relationship with your body?
Posted on 21-03-2022

How to improve your relationship with your body in a world full of demands and social patterns? Fortunately, many of these aspects that were so rigid a few years ago have begun to be questioned.

Exposure on social networks and comparison do not collaborate in the task of acceptance. It is necessary, in this sense, to continue the path of deconstruction. Avoid judging and giving opinions about other people's bodies and respect differences.

I consider it important, simultaneously with the deconstruction of stereotypes, to keep in mind the aspect of health. It is essential to differentiate between merely aesthetic notions and health issues. In cases of obesity, for example, it is important to intervene from the medical aspect because it has harmful consequences for health.

It is pertinent to speak of bodies in the plural because there is no such thing as The Body. Bodies are singular, they have particular characteristics that cannot or should not integrate comparisons.

Body acceptance generally implies the development of self-esteem, self-care, and sufficient affirmation to allow the person to get away from that place of self-demand and constant comparison.

The acceptance of one's own body is a process that occurs together with the acceptance of other aspects of oneself. Rejecting one's own body is a part of rejecting oneself.

It is difficult to develop that acceptance when we are not used to receiving signals from the body and reacting accordingly. In the vast majority of cases, the body receives and sustains a lifestyle and a very demanding lifestyle that is very difficult to cope with. Postures and eating that damage you, consumption that requires you to stay alert and energetic most of the day in order to meet productivity demands.

The education we receive from childhood does not usually include the physical and emotional register. Therefore, it is not strange to find difficulties in accepting the body or attending to the signals it sends us.

One way to improve the relationship with your body is to start by registering it daily, that we attend to what it needs, that we value pain or signs of fatigue such as requests to stop or change unhealthy habits.

Many times we attack the body without even noticing it. In fact, modern city life is developed at the expense of bodily well-being. Sitting all day at a computer, eating quickly and the first thing you see, living in constant acceleration, are legitimate and socially valued ways of harming the body.

Registering it a little more allows us to reduce the demands and take their needs into account when developing the day-to-day. Otherwise, we overwhelm him.

How can we have a good relationship with our body if we don't even notice it's there? And both extremes come into this. To demand it excessively or to perpetuate a sedentary lifestyle. Either extreme sweeps away instead of serving or responding to your needs.

To change these habits we have to propose a new approach. Give us time to slow down, and record it. Incorporating breathing techniques or meditation can be a good alternative. Yoga also helps increase body awareness and enhances the integration of the different aspects that are part of us.


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