Hypervigilance: when there is no rest.

Hypervigilance: when there is no rest.
Posted on 22-03-2022

Hypervigilance is, as the term itself indicates, an exaggerated or accentuated state of vigilance extended over time. The person who suffers from it is in a state of constant alert, sharpening her senses to the maximum in order to detect even the slightest sign of threat.

There are very traumatic situations that can generate states of this type as a consequence, as in post-traumatic stress disorder. This was discovered when observing those who had been in the war, because later they maintained a state of irritability and hypervigilance, added to the fact that they relived the traumatic experiences that occurred.

Often after an accident, a robbery situation, or having suffered a traumatic situation or where the person was in a position of vulnerability, they can remain alert for a while, startling at the slightest noise or unexpected.

However, hypervigilance does not imply having gone through traumatic episodes of this type. Being on constant alert is a common feature in cases of intense anxiety, for example. Anxiety often implies an anxious expectation about the future, and the state of hypervigilance is the way to bring into play a mechanism that unconsciously seeks to avoid any type of damage.

The state of hypervigilance prevents rest. To be alert is to keep the senses and defenses always active, and rest requires precisely the weakening of these mechanisms. Therefore, it is not strange that it is accompanied by insomnia, difficulty concentrating, difficulties also in the sexual area, since here too a certain weakening of the alert mechanisms are required. Hypervigilance will show difficulties for enjoyment. If you are on alert, constantly expecting to anticipate danger, you cannot relax and thus cannot enjoy yourself.

It is important to consider that states of this type if prolonged over time, produce chronic stress that is very harmful to health, so professional consultation is essential.

People in a state of hypervigilance are always attentive, they anticipate everything and are easily startled. They tend to fear that negative or tragic events will happen and avoid potentially risky situations. This can be accompanied by certain traits of agoraphobia, for example, avoiding going outside as a way of protection against possible dangers. Corporally they are usually in tension, being able to suffer frequent contractures and finding it very difficult to be relaxed.

In this state, all types of development of the subject are difficult, because it is in survival mode. When you believe you are in danger there is no time or place for desire, the main thing is to protect yourself, all other dimensions are suspended.

The problem is that in most cases the threat is subjectively perceived but the person is not in a real risk situation. That is why the treatments must aim to address the mechanism by which such a reality has been configured.

Hypervigilance generates great exhaustion of the psychic functions that never reduce their activity. It also generates great frustration, since no matter how much effort is directed at preventing everything, it is observed that there are still things that are beyond one's control. It is a state that prevents building and carrying out projects and that leaves the person trapped in the same place.


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