Last year in CAT, each section of the question paper had a different weightage.

Last year in CAT, each section of the question paper had a different weightage.
Posted on 06-01-2023

Ques - Last year in CAT, each section of the question paper had a different weightage. The weightage of QA, DI and VA/RC sections was 8, 9 and 10 respectively. The maximum marks in all the three sections together were 810. Wrong answer did not carry negative marks as a penalty. If Padma had gotten 20% more marks in QA and 8% more marks in DI and 7.14% more marks in VA/RC, then she must had gotten 100% marks in all the three sections. The total marks that Padma had scored :

A. 730

B. 700

C. 750

D. 775

Solution - Let,

Weightage of QA = 8x

Weightage of DI = 9x

Weightage of VA/RC = 10x

The maximum marks in all the three sections together = 810

8x + 9x + 10x = 810

27x = 810

x = 30

Weightage of QA = 8x

= 8 × 30

= 240

Weightage of DI = 9x

= 9 × 30

= 270

Weightage of VA/RC = 10x

= 10 × 30

= 300

Padma got 20% more marks in QA (given)

Let's assume Padama got 'a' marks in QA


a + 20% of a = 240

a + (20/100) × a = 240

6a/5 = 240

6a = 240×5

a = 1200/6

a = 200


Padma got 8% more marks in DI (given)

Let's assume Padama got 'b' marks in DI


b + 8% of b = 270

b + (8/100) × b = 270

27b/25 = 270

b = 250


Padma got 7.14% more marks in VA/RC (given)

Let's assume Padama got 'c' marks in VA/RC


c + 7.14% of c = 300

c + (7.14/100) × c = 300

15c/14 = 300

c = 280


The total marks scored by Padma = a + b + c

The total marks scored by Padma = 200 + 250 + 280

The total marks scored by Padma = 730 marks


The correct answer is option (a) 730.

Thank You