Lower class - What is it? features, problems, and more

Lower class - What is it? features, problems, and more
Posted on 09-03-2022

Lower class

Group of individuals in a society that are characterized by economic deprivation.

What is the lower class?

The lower class is the set of individuals in a society that are characterized by having economic deficiencies that do not allow them to have a decent lifestyle; because, in certain situations, the availability of basic goods and services, such as own housing, food, or education, is affected.

Being a socioeconomic class, the lower class belongs to a certain society, and the people who are part of it do not have a large source of income but are usually part of the informal workers' union.

This social class is made up of a large number of people and, depending on the society to which they belong, they can represent a different percentage that usually manifests itself in large numbers.

Characteristics of the lower class

Mentioned below are the main features of the lower class:

  • Its members are part of society.
  • It is a social class.
  • The individuals that comprise it do not enjoy a basic level of income.
  • They represent a significant part of societies.
  • Its members do not have the means to access basic goods and services.
  • Generally, its members have educational deficiencies.
  • Depending on the society to which they belong and the government that governs said territory, they can receive certain aid, aid, and subsidies.
  • They are the social class most affected by poverty.

Lower class problems

The lower class presents various phenomena that directly harm the individuals that comprise it. Their main problems are detailed below:

  • Economic problems: generally caused by unemployment, these problems have a great impact on the individual, in such a way that they do not allow access to basic goods and services for a dignified life. This set of phenomena in turn leads to various problems that affect the individual, for example, nutritional deficit, which can lead to chronic malnutrition; lack of their own home, lack of access to clothing or optimal footwear, etc.
  • Psychological problems: derived from frequent exposure to the lack of resources to live in a dignified manner. The constant uncertainty generated by the lack of basic goods and services causes negative effects on individuals that affect their mental health.
  • Nutritional problems: the individuals of the lower class present many nutritional problems, caused by the lack of economic resources and/or stress, among others. These problems usually trigger chronic malnutrition or, in certain situations, the death of the individual.
  • Exclusion problems: those situations in which other individuals, social classes, or even governments, exclude the lower class from their relationships, which may be due to the social difference between those involved. These problems do not occur in all cases, however, their prejudices directly affect either mental health or the opportunities that the individual can enjoy.
  • Educational problems: originated in poor access to education that members of this social class may have, either due to lack of educational opportunities, lack of interest, among others. In certain cases, individuals prefer to carry out work activities before carrying out educational activities, such as studying at school, college, or university, in order to generate the necessary income to survive. One consequence of these phenomena is that they subsequently encounter obstacles when it comes to finding a new job, since, without previous studies or some type of preparation, this task will be more difficult.

Other social classes

The other social classes that exist are described below:

  • Middle class: that which is located between the lower and upper class. This social class usually has the largest percentage of people in developed societies. It is understood by the productive sector of society, that is, by workers, laborers, professionals, among others.
  • Upper class: that class in which its members do not present any type of economic or social vulnerability, but on the contrary, their income is very stable and their economic sources provide high amounts of cash. This social class can enjoy very marked economic privileges, for example, access to a wide variety of resources, such as their own housing, access to private education, access to a very varied and high-quality food basket, access to various luxuries, access to high-quality private health services, among others.


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