Middle class - What is it? characteristics, examples

Middle class - What is it? characteristics, examples
Posted on 09-03-2022

Middle class

Group of individuals of a society that present an intermediate socioeconomic level.

What is the middle class?

The middle class is the group of individuals in a society who have an intermediate socioeconomic level, which allows them to have a decent lifestyle, given that they have access to certain basic goods and services, such as their own housing, food, education, among others. others.

Being a socioeconomic class, the middle class belongs to a certain society, and the people who are part of it have a stable and intermediate source of income. In general, they are part of the guild of formal workers and merchants.

This social class is made up of a large number of people who, in general, represent the largest percentage of inhabitants of the population. However, this may vary depending on the society in which they are located.

Being made up of merchants, businessmen, and professionals, among others; the middle class in society is characterized mainly by the contribution to production: these make up a great chain of key links for the entire society, since being such a large group drives the municipal, regional and national economy; affecting the rest of the social classes.

characteristics of the middle class

The main characteristics of the middle class are mentioned below:

  • Its members are part of society.
  • It is a social class.
  • On certain occasions, this social class can afford the acquisition of certain luxurious goods.
  • The individuals that make it up to enjoy an intermediate level of income.
  • They represent a significant part of societies and are usually greater than other social classes.
  • Generally, its members do not have educational deficiencies.
  • Its members have the means to access basic goods and services.

Examples of the middle class

Here are some examples from the middle class:

  • The professionals.
  • The teachers.
  • The drivers.
  • A doctor.
  • The manager of a clothing store.
  • The owner of a store.
  • The worker of a textile distribution company.
  • A chef.
  • A receptionist.
  • A bodyguard.
  • A shoemaker.
  • A hairdresser.


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