Mr. Teremere and Mr. Meretere have 5 chocolates and 3 chocolates with them respectively.

Mr. Teremere and Mr. Meretere have 5 chocolates and 3 chocolates with them respectively.
Posted on 21-01-2023

Ques - Mr. Teremere and Mr. Meretere have 5 chocolates and 3 chocolates with them respectively. Meanwhile Mr. Khabbu Singh Joined them and all 8 chocolates were distributed equally among all these three people. In turn Khabbu Singh gave Rs. 16 to Mr. Teremere and Mr. Mereterre, since khabbu Singh did not has any chocolate. What is the difference of amount received by Teremere and Meretere? Given that the amount was shared in proportion of chocolates received by Khabbu Singh.

(a) Rs. 8

(b) Rs. 12

(c) Rs. 14

(d) Rs.15

Solution - 


Meretere = M

Teremere = T

Khabbu Singh = K 

Mr. Teremere has no. of chocolates = 5

Mr. Meretere has no. of chocolates = 3

Mr. Khabbu Singh Joined them and all 8 chocolates were distributed equally among all these three people

8 chocolates distributed them equally = 8/3 

= 2.66

It means,

M has given 5 - 2.66 to K = 2.33

T has given 3 - 2.66 to K = 0.33


The amount was shared in proportion of chocolates received by Khabbu Singh.


= M : T

=2.33 : 0.33

= 7/3 : 1/3

= 7 : 1

Khabbu Singh gave Rs. 16 to M and T


M receives = 7 * 2

= 14

T receives = 1 * 2

= 2


The difference of amount received by Meretere and Teremere = 14 - 2

= 12


The corect opyion is (b) 12.

Thank You