Packaging - What is it? characteristics, types, and more

Packaging - What is it? characteristics, types, and more
Posted on 02-03-2022


Way to present a product in the best conditions for its transport, storage, sale, and use.

What is packaging?

Packaging, the packaging of the product in a broader sense, is defined as the way of presenting a product in the best conditions for its transport, storage, sale, and use. This includes its primary packaging, as well as the packaging used to transport and store it.

The term packaging is an anglicism and in Spanish container or packaging is usually used to refer to this term, which addresses different areas within marketing and ideally should be prepared by a team in which different departments involved in the development of the product contribute.

The objective of packaging is to be visually attractive to customers because in many cases a person makes the decision to buy a product or not when he is in front of it. The way it is packaged will be crucial in capturing the customer's attention and getting them to choose the product.

The packaging has an impact on the image of the product, but it can also contribute to its user experience when it has some utility associated with the product itself. You can also add brand value when your packaging is made from recycled materials.

Packaging characteristics

The main characteristics of packaging are the following:

  • Contains and protects the product: it adjusts to the requirements of each product since some are more delicate than others and require greater protection. Given this, we must emphasize that the protection needs of the same product can also vary during transport and at the time of sale, which is why the main containers are differentiated as primary and secondary. The primary one is the one that directly covers the product and is usually an important part of the brand, for example, the bag or box that contains a cereal. The secondary is the one used to contain and protect the primary units when they are being transported or distributed to the points of sale.
  • Conforms to the standard: It must meet certain standard measurements within its market, such as an appropriate size to be placed on shelves or to be easily transported. For example, cereal boxes are often similar in size.
  • Transmits information: an important aspect of packaging is that it is capable of transmitting information, which is why relevant information associated with the brand is placed on it that makes the product attractive to the consumer and encourages them to buy it. Additionally, packaging can make your product stand out from the competition when it's on the shelf. It can also include useful information for the consumer, such as the date of manufacture, expiration date, components, instructions for use, nutritional information, etc. All this can be useful for the consumer, both when making the purchase and when using the product.

Types of packaging

There are 3 types of packaging: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

  • Primary: the one that directly covers the product and is usually an important part of the brand, for example, the bag or box that contains a cereal.
  • Secondary: the one used to contain and protect the primary units when they are being transported or distributed to the points of sale.
  • Tertiary: grouping of the primary or secondary in a container that keeps them together and protected during the distribution and transport of the product.


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