Procrastination as self-boycott.

Procrastination as self-boycott.
Posted on 23-03-2022

We talked earlier about self-boycott and its various ways of manifesting. Procrastination is often one of the most subtle.

Sometimes we associate self-destructive behaviors with doing something actively harmful to ourselves. But not doing is also a form of self-boycott depending on the context and the particular situation in which it is observed.

But what is procrastination? We will look for the most basic and general definition:

As it is expressed here, procrastination implies «leaving for tomorrow what could be done today», and it is a habit that, with great frequency, constitutes a self-boycott as it prevents solving issues that would be potentially beneficial or sought by the individual.

Fear and laziness are the cause of this tendency to delay resolution. Fear because solving implies advancing and advancing confronts the unknown. Laziness because each relevant action implies an effort, a mobilization that is to get out to a greater or lesser extent from the state of comfort and pleasure, which many times you do not want to leave.

Not - doing is usually constituted as a self-boycott in periods in which it happens repeatedly, installing itself precisely in crucial situations for the progress or development of something important for the person in question.

It is good at times to be able to relax and not feel that everything must be fulfilled and resolved immediately. And it is important to clarify this because it can convey the idea that constant resolution is expected when it is not. They should be able to alternate moments of activity and resolution when these are necessary with moments of passivity, receptivity, and relaxation when required.

Procrastination is the perfect ally for avoidance. Not-doing prevents other things from happening, closing stages, and moving on to other instances. It is the perpetuation of the same state in a chronic way.

This postponement is a place of comfort and security that is often maintained for fear of losing structure, due to the insecurity and uncertainty that the new produces.

The safe ground is that of the known, lethargy perpetuates that ground, making transformation impossible. But how to distinguish between relaxation and procrastination?

Many people who are self-demanding see procrastination as a way to relax, not having to meet demands immediately. But it is a fine line between this flexibility and procrastination, which implies not solving and constantly delaying important actions.

Procrastination is also at the service of highly structured positions because it implies, in a certain way, not wanting to lose control. Going to a new instance is losing control a bit and that is sometimes not tolerated.

This is directly linked to self-boycott because most of the goals and desires are precisely outside that comfort zone or already known reality.

Recognizing the link between both issues is important since it allows us to raise awareness of unconscious mechanisms and make changes possible.


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