Pros and cons of pampering your pet - GovtVacancy.Net

Pros and cons of pampering your pet - GovtVacancy.Net
Posted on 26-11-2022

Pros and cons of pampering your pet

It is not bad to treat your pet from time to time. However, it must be done without neglecting your well-being.

Everyone likes to spoil their pet. Part of enjoying their company is making them happy with an occasional whim, but is this really beneficial? The experts do not agree on this matter, so the debate is still open.

However, one thing is certain, if you are here it is because you want to make a decision that is beneficial for your animal. Their well-being comes first and, sometimes, this is fulfilled by being strict with some aspects of care, such as discipline in training a dog.

Therefore, here you will find the different sides of the debate so that you can make decisions based on your personal case. Not all humans are the same and the same is true of their animal companions. Don't miss anything.


Pros of treating your animal

Pampering a pet is a practice with diffuse boundaries. Many people end up going to extremes, where they are too strict or don't set any standards for their non-human partner. However, breaking the rules can have benefits for you and your animal, as long as you do it within reason. Let's see some of them:

  • You make your animal happy: this is the most immediate. You pamper him and he is glad to receive something from you.
  • You strengthen your bond with him: doing something out of the routine that is pleasant is a good way for your animal to associate you with positive sensations.
  • You create a balance in their education: not everything will be strong discipline and order. It is always good to find a situation or place where the rules can be less strict.

However, it should not be forgotten that prizes and whims should not be a habit. If you make it the norm, then most likely behavior problems will appear. We will see this in detail in the next section.


Cons of pampering a pet

Some species of animals that usually live with humans need their routine to be predictable. An example is dogs, which suffer psychological stress when their education is inconsistent. For this reason, when the normal thing is to break the norm, a situation of uncertainty is generated which means that the animal does not know what to expect from you.

Continuing with the example of the dog, you should take into account that it is a hierarchical, gregarious species that have been artificially selected to serve man. Therefore, a human will always be a reference for his behavior. You need to know where you fit in the group and what rules are in place to keep it cohesive.

The only way to achieve fluid communication with another species is through your own behavior. If you don't let him order food when you're at the table, for example, don't break this limit. Permissiveness in this regard (pampering him) will only create stress for him because he doesn't know when he's going to get food and when you're going to get angry.

Pampering a pet and its relationship with behavior problems

All the experts agree that “once a year doesn't hurt”. However, a one-off whim should not be confused with spoiling your animal. The aforementioned inconsistency of stress can lead to more serious emotional and behavioral problems, such as anxiety or aggression disorders.

Let's give another example, imagine you have a parrot at home and you've raised it since it's a papillera. These birds learn to live together and respect limits by learning from their parents. Therefore, that is the role that you will fulfill during their first years of life. If during this period you allow him, for example, to peck to ask for food, this habit will become a much more difficult problem to correct than to prevent.


nothing is black or white

It is very useful to know all the positions of experts in animal behavior. However, one must never lose sight of the fact that each specimen is unique and has a personality and specific needs. Some dogs can be indulged more often than others, rabbits rarely obey commands, and some psittacines live to be 80 years old and change their behavior several times.

Therefore, the most essential thing is that you know the species you care for and the individual you are dealing with. Surely your intention is never bad, but being responsible for the well-being of a pet should always be the attitude that leads to decision-making. If you can't give your animal a treat, that's okay. Surely there are a thousand other things that will make you happy without putting your education at risk.

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