Psychological benefits of Body Movement.

Psychological benefits of Body Movement.
Posted on 18-03-2022

Why is it important to move? And, what kind of movement are we referring to? Initially, we understand movement as something contrary to a sedentary lifestyle. But not all movement brings benefits to the psyche.

There are works, for example, that are very bodily active but that do not know the body. That is, they ignore and destroy their needs.

Dance, or practices such as yoga and certain physical exercises, and above all, free movement, or anything that implies greater spontaneity, are activities that allow us to place the body in a place of importance, participation, and liberation.

The body is often made invisible in today's society. It is excluded or marginalized depending on thinking and doing productive. They are bodies taken into consideration insofar as they are useful for something, but it is difficult to record the body itself.

Fortunately, that is changing and many practices and ways of life place the body in the place it deserves.

We need to register and include the body because we do not stop suffering, otherwise, its alert calls, the consequences of that relegation. The watertight positions that are sustained for hours, the needs that are so often overlooked. The body asks for flexibility and movement and is repeatedly ignored, especially in jobs that, increasingly sedentary, place you in front of a computer every day of your life.

Free body movement, spontaneous dance, or anything that has no rules, allows us to listen to the body, without conditioning or censoring it. That participation of the body as a vital scenario that cannot be controlled in its entirety, that needs these spaces of expression. 

Many aspects of our unconscious manifest through the body, they make their way if we allow it. The rigid body, the homogeneity of the bodies, their gestures and postures, repressor limit these free expressions. We end up being socially uniform. Our bodies are located in the same positions, they make almost the same movements.

The body is an expression of diversity because it is a possible way of manifesting the unconscious. And the unconscious needs to express itself. It does it through dreams, slips of the tongue, jokes, art, and creativity, and it does it through the body as well, if we create the conditions for it to happen.

Body movement not only brings beneficial consequences from the point of view of organic health but also psychic, as it becomes the channel that is of expression, of communication, of identity terrain. The movement that interests in this sense is the one that allows the difference, the manifestation of the singularity. And as a means of self-knowledge, it is extremely valuable, as in any spontaneous art since what we express is a reflection of our internal world, it says something about who we are and who we can be. It is a creative and powerful act.

Frequently incorporating free body movement allows us to have a better record of our body, of sensations, messages, and needs, and allows us to include that, take actions accordingly, respond to that information.

If the body is ignored, these manifestations are lost, do not take place, and begin to express themselves in other ways, usually through symptoms. That is why it is essential to integrate the body into our daily lives and allow its expression, in a space of containment, protection, and privacy, as free of censorship as possible.


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