Real Estate - What are they? Characteristics, types, examples, and more

Real Estate - What are they? Characteristics, types, examples, and more
Posted on 11-03-2022

Real estate

Goods that cannot be moved from one place to another.

What is real estate?

Real estate is all those assets that cannot be moved from one place to another, without losing quality or altering their nature; that is, they are those goods that are attached to the ground.

The term real estate can be granted mainly due to two factors: by its very nature, to those goods that are naturally rooted in the land; or by incorporation, to those goods rooted in the earth by human beings, for example, a house.

The supply of real estate is limited due to the fact that land is its main supply, therefore, the price of real estate is usually higher than that of real estate.

Real estate characteristics

The main characteristics of real estate are the following:

  • They are fixed to the ground.
  • They can be called real estate by incorporation or by 
  • To own real estate, records and documents are generally required.
  • In most cases, their value is higher than that of other types of goods due to various factors, including limited supply.
  • They cannot be moved without altering their physical integrity.
  • Its value increases over time.

types of real estate

Real estate is classified as follows:

  • By incorporation: those real estate originating from incorporations that are carried out above ground, but that cannot be moved without their physical integrity is affected.
  • By nature: those goods that are naturally rooted in the land.
  • By accession: those assets that by nature are classified as furniture, but nevertheless, when added as a complement to real estate, become part of this, for example, the doors of a house.
  • By destination: those movable assets used for the maintenance and benefit of the main real estate, and that increase its value.
  • By analogy: the administrative concessions of public works and other real rights, for example, a mortgage.
  • By representation: the documents that prove ownership of the real estate.

real estate examples

The following are some examples of real estate:

  • A ground.
  • A department.
  • The window of a house.
  • Some scriptures.
  • A house.
  • Records of ownership of the real estate.
  • A mine.
  • A lake.


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