Reserve Bank of India Launches 'Antardrishti' Dashboard to Monitor Financial Inclusion

Reserve Bank of India Launches 'Antardrishti' Dashboard to Monitor Financial Inclusion
Posted on 08-06-2023

"Reserve Bank of India Launches 'Antardrishti' Dashboard to Monitor Financial Inclusion"


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor recently unveiled a new financial inclusion dashboard called 'Antardrishti'. This dashboard aims to provide valuable insights and data to evaluate and track the progress of financial inclusion in India. By recording relevant information, the dashboard enables the assessment of financial exclusion at a local level across the nation, thereby facilitating targeted interventions and initiatives. In this article, we will delve into the details of the Antardrishti dashboard, its significance, and the concept of financial inclusion in India.


Understanding the Antardrishti Dashboard

The Antardrishti dashboard serves as a powerful tool to monitor and measure the extent of financial inclusion in the country. It captures crucial data and provides comprehensive information on various aspects related to financial inclusion. This data is instrumental in assessing the level of access and usage of financial products and services among different segments of the population.

Financial inclusion, a concept promoted by the RBI, is aimed at providing affordable and appropriate financial products and services to individuals and businesses. These services include access to savings accounts, credit facilities, insurance coverage, and efficient payment systems. By enhancing financial inclusion, the RBI aims to ensure that all individuals and communities have access to formal financial services, empowering them to participate in the economy and improve their overall well-being.

In 2021, the RBI developed the Financial Inclusion (FI) Index as a means to measure the extent of financial inclusion in the country. The FI Index incorporates three dimensions of financial inclusion, namely 'Access,' 'Usage,' and 'Quality.' These dimensions encompass various aspects of banking, investments, insurance, postal services, and the pension sector. The index provides a comprehensive assessment of financial inclusion, assigning a single value ranging from 0 to 100. A value of 0 represents complete financial exclusion, while 100 indicates full financial inclusion.


The Role of Antardrishti Dashboard in Monitoring Financial Inclusion

The Antardrishti dashboard plays a vital role in monitoring and evaluating the progress of financial inclusion in India. By collating and analyzing data from various sources, the dashboard provides a holistic view of the state of financial inclusion across different regions and demographic segments. This information is essential for policymakers, financial institutions, and other stakeholders to design and implement targeted strategies to address areas of financial exclusion.

The dashboard facilitates an in-depth analysis of the factors contributing to financial exclusion. It identifies regions or communities that face significant challenges in accessing formal financial services and products. Armed with this knowledge, policymakers can develop initiatives and interventions to bridge the gaps and ensure equitable access to financial services.

Additionally, the Antardrishti dashboard enables the tracking of key performance indicators related to financial inclusion. By monitoring these indicators over time, policymakers can assess the effectiveness of their initiatives and make necessary adjustments to improve the outcomes. The dashboard also helps identify successful models and best practices in promoting financial inclusion, which can be replicated in other regions or sectors.


Significance of Financial Inclusion in India

Financial inclusion plays a crucial role in achieving inclusive economic growth and reducing poverty and inequality. In India, a significant proportion of the population, particularly in rural and marginalized areas, has historically been excluded from formal financial services. Limited access to banking services, inadequate credit facilities, and lack of insurance coverage have hindered the economic progress and well-being of these individuals.

To address this issue, the RBI has been actively promoting financial inclusion through various policy initiatives. These initiatives focus on expanding the reach of formal banking services, encouraging the use of digital payment systems, promoting financial literacy, and designing products and services tailored to the needs of underserved segments.

Financial inclusion has several positive impacts on individuals, communities, and the overall economy. It enables individuals to save and accumulate assets, access credit for investment and entrepreneurship, protect against financial risks through insurance, and participate in formal financial channels. By providing individuals with the tools and opportunities to manage their finances effectively, financial inclusion enhances economic stability, fosters entrepreneurship, and promotes social development.



The launch of the Antardrishti financial inclusion dashboard by the Reserve Bank of India represents a significant step towards monitoring and evaluating the progress of financial inclusion in India. The dashboard serves as a comprehensive tool to capture and analyze data related to financial inclusion, enabling policymakers to identify areas of financial exclusion and design targeted interventions. Financial inclusion plays a vital role in promoting inclusive economic growth, reducing poverty, and ensuring the well-being of individuals and communities. With the Antardrishti dashboard, the RBI aims to facilitate evidence-based decision-making and collaborative efforts to achieve full financial inclusion in the country.

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