Role of HR Consulting in Redesigning Organizational Structure

Role of HR Consulting in Redesigning Organizational Structure
Posted on 15-09-2023

The organizational structure plays a pivotal role in driving an organization's performance and growth. To achieve success and gain a competitive edge, it's crucial for the organizational structure to align seamlessly with the strategic goals. A well-coordinated structure enhances information flow and communication within the organization.

Various factors like political, cultural, competitive, technological, business requirements, resources, regulations, leadership changes, mergers, and acquisitions can trigger the need for organizational redesign. To maintain long-term efficiency, the organization's structure must adapt to changing needs, objectives, and market conditions.

An outdated organizational structure can result in inefficiency, poor coordination between units, role ambiguity, workplace conflicts, disrupted workflows, excessive hierarchy, the formation of unnecessary committees and departments, resource wastage, employee dissatisfaction, and high turnover rates. Thus, it is imperative for organizations to periodically revise and update their structures to remain purposeful and functional.

Redesigning the organizational structure can enhance internal processes and employee engagement, positively impacting financial performance and competitive positioning. The process involves aligning the structure with business strategies, providing a redesigned model, implementing changes, and addressing downsizing or related adjustments.

HR consulting firms can play a vital role in analyzing and redesigning an organization's structure in alignment with its strategic goals and mission. When undertaking this task, HR consultants should consider several key issues:

  1. Organization's purpose, objectives, goals, and strategies.

  2. Simplification and standardization of workflow and processes.

  3. Meeting client needs, requirements, and expectations.

  4. Effective internal communication.

  5. Employee development and career progression opportunities.

  6. Efficient resource utilization.

  7. Legal compliance.

  8. Creating a motivating and satisfying work environment.

  9. Market trends and industry best practices.

The process of organizational restructuring typically involves the following stages:

  1. Assessment of the current and past organizational structures.

  2. Identifying the root causes of performance-related issues.

  3. Analyzing these issues in relation to organizational culture, strategic goals, and business objectives, considering both current and past factors, as well as future goals.

  4. Preparing the revised or updated organizational structure.

  5. Implementing structural changes with minimal disruption to operations.

  6. Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the new structure.

HR consultants can assist in developing an effective organizational structure that optimizes resource utilization and fosters organizational growth.

Role Description
Assessment Conduct a thorough assessment of the current organizational structure, including its strengths and weaknesses. Identify areas that need improvement.
Data Analysis Analyze data related to employee performance, workflow, communication, and efficiency to provide insights into the organization's structural needs.
Benchmarking Compare the current organizational structure with industry benchmarks and best practices to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
Design Recommendations Develop recommendations for a new organizational structure that aligns with the organization's goals and strategy. Create an organizational chart, roles, and responsibilities.
Change Management Assist in developing change management strategies to help employees transition to the new structure smoothly. Address concerns and resistance to change.
Job Redesign Redesign job roles and responsibilities to ensure they align with the new structure. Assess skill gaps and recommend training or recruitment as necessary.
Communication Planning Develop a communication plan to ensure that all employees understand the reasons for the structural changes and how they will be affected.
Implementation Support Provide ongoing support during the implementation phase, helping to ensure that the new structure is effectively put into practice.
Performance Metrics Establish key performance metrics and indicators to measure the success of the new organizational structure over time. Continuously assess and adjust as needed.
Legal Compliance Ensure that the redesigned structure complies with all relevant employment laws and regulations, minimizing legal risks for the organization.
Feedback and Evaluation Gather feedback from employees and leadership about the effectiveness of the new structure and make adjustments based on this input.

HR consulting plays a critical role in guiding organizations through the process of redesigning their structures to enhance efficiency, productivity, and alignment with strategic goals.

Redesigning an organizational structure is a complex and critical task that can have a significant impact on an organization's success. It involves redefining roles, responsibilities, reporting relationships, and communication flows to ensure that the organization can effectively achieve its goals and objectives. Human Resources (HR) consulting plays a pivotal role in this process. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the role of HR consulting in redesigning organizational structure in detail, covering the following key aspects:

1. Introduction to Organizational Structure

Organizational structure refers to the way an organization is designed and organized to achieve its goals and objectives efficiently. It defines the hierarchy, roles, responsibilities, and relationships among employees and departments within an organization. An effective organizational structure is crucial for the organization to function smoothly, make decisions promptly, and adapt to changes in the business environment.

2. The Need for Organizational Redesign

There are several reasons why an organization may need to redesign its structure:

a. Growth or Downsizing: As organizations grow or downsize, their existing structures may become inefficient. New positions may be needed, or redundant roles may need to be eliminated.

b. Market Changes: Changes in the competitive landscape, industry regulations, or customer preferences can necessitate structural adjustments to remain competitive and responsive.

c. Mergers and Acquisitions: When organizations merge or acquire other companies, they often need to integrate different structures, processes, and cultures.

d. Technological Advances: Technological advancements may require organizations to reorganize to leverage new tools, streamline processes, or adapt to remote work environments.

e. Operational Inefficiencies: If an organization is experiencing inefficiencies, bottlenecks, or decision-making problems, it may need to redesign its structure to improve operations.

f. Strategic Shifts: A shift in organizational strategy may require a new structure to align resources and efforts with the new strategic direction.

3. HR Consulting: Definition and Scope

HR consulting is a specialized service provided by external or internal HR professionals to assist organizations in addressing human resource-related challenges and optimizing their HR practices. HR consultants bring expertise in HR processes, policies, and best practices to help organizations enhance their HR functions and overall performance.

The scope of HR consulting can be broad and may include areas such as talent acquisition, employee development, compensation and benefits, performance management, employee engagement, and, importantly, organizational structure design and redesign.

4. Role of HR Consulting in Organizational Structure Redesign

a. Assessing Current Structure:

  • HR consultants begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the current organizational structure. This involves reviewing existing job roles, reporting relationships, decision-making processes, and communication flows.
  • They may use tools such as organizational charts, surveys, interviews, and process mapping to gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization's current state.

b. Identifying Organizational Goals:

  • Before redesigning the structure, HR consultants work closely with organizational leaders to identify and clarify strategic goals and objectives.
  • Understanding the organization's mission, vision, and strategic priorities is essential for aligning the structure with the broader strategic direction.

c. Designing the New Structure:

  • Based on the assessment and the identified goals, HR consultants collaborate with organizational leaders to design the new structure. This includes defining new roles, responsibilities, reporting relationships, and decision-making processes.
  • They consider factors like scalability, agility, and efficiency in the new design.
  • HR consultants often use organizational design models and frameworks to create a structure that best suits the organization's needs.

d. Change Management:

  • Redesigning the organizational structure is a significant change for employees. HR consultants play a crucial role in change management, helping employees and leaders navigate the transition.
  • They develop change management plans that address communication, training, and resistance management.
  • HR consultants may also facilitate workshops and training sessions to prepare employees for their new roles and responsibilities.

e. Communication and Training:

  • Effective communication is vital during a structure redesign. HR consultants develop communication strategies that keep employees informed about the changes, their implications, and the timeline.
  • They also provide training to help employees adapt to the new structure, acquire new skills, and understand their roles better.
  • Training may include leadership development programs for managers who will oversee teams in the new structure.

f. Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • After implementing the new structure, HR consultants monitor its effectiveness and gather feedback from employees and leaders.
  • They use performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess whether the structure is achieving its intended goals.
  • If necessary, adjustments are made based on the evaluation results to ensure continuous improvement.

g. Legal and Compliance Considerations:

  • HR consultants are knowledgeable about labor laws and regulations. They ensure that the new structure complies with legal requirements related to employment, compensation, and employee rights.
  • They also help organizations navigate labor relations issues and union considerations, if applicable.

h. Employee Engagement and Culture:

  • Maintaining employee engagement and preserving the organization's culture during a structure redesign is vital.
  • HR consultants work to align the new structure with the organization's values and culture, helping to minimize disruption to the workforce.

5. Challenges and Considerations in Organizational Structure Redesign

Organizational structure redesign is a complex process that comes with various challenges and considerations:

a. Resistance to Change: Employees and leaders may resist the changes, fearing job insecurity, increased workloads, or disruptions to established routines. HR consultants must address this resistance through effective change management strategies.

b. Culture Alignment: Ensuring that the new structure aligns with the existing organizational culture and values can be challenging. Misalignment can lead to cultural clashes and decreased employee morale.

c. Communication Breakdown: Inadequate communication about the reasons for the redesign, its benefits, and the transition process can lead to confusion and anxiety among employees.

d. Talent Management: Redesigning the structure may require talent reallocation, and HR consultants must ensure that the right people are in the right roles. This includes identifying skills gaps and providing training where needed.

e. Leadership Development: Managers and leaders may require development programs to equip them with the skills necessary to lead in the new structure.

f. Legal and Ethical Issues: Failure to comply with labor laws or ethical standards can lead to legal challenges and reputational damage. HR consultants must thoroughly assess the legal implications of the redesign.

g. Employee Wellbeing: The stress and uncertainty associated with a structure redesign can impact employee wellbeing. HR consultants should prioritize employee support and wellness during the process.

6. Case Studies: Successful Organizational Redesign with HR Consulting

Let's examine two case studies of organizations that successfully redesigned their structures with the assistance of HR consulting.

Case Study 1: XYZ Corporation

XYZ Corporation, a multinational technology company, faced challenges in adapting to the rapidly changing tech landscape. The existing hierarchical structure hindered innovation and decision-making speed. They engaged an HR consulting firm to help redesign their organization.

Key Steps:

  • Assessment: The HR consultants conducted a comprehensive assessment, which included employee interviews, surveys, and process analysis.
  • Vision Alignment: They worked closely with XYZ's leadership to define a new vision and strategic goals, emphasizing agility and innovation.
  • Design: The consultants recommended a flatter, matrix-based structure that encouraged cross-functional collaboration. New roles were defined to support innovation teams.
  • Change Management: A detailed change management plan was executed, focusing on transparent communication, skill development, and emotional support.
  • Evaluation: KPIs were established to track progress, and regular feedback sessions were held. Adjustments were made based on employee and business performance data.


  • XYZ Corporation experienced a significant increase in innovation and speed to market.
  • Employee engagement scores improved, and turnover rates decreased.
  • The new structure allowed for better cross-functional collaboration and problem-solving.

Case Study 2: ABC Healthcare System

ABC Healthcare System, a large hospital network, needed to streamline its operations and improve patient care. They engaged an HR consulting firm to assist in the redesign of their organizational structure.

Key Steps:

  • Assessment: The HR consultants conducted a thorough analysis of ABC's existing structure, identifying bottlenecks in patient care and communication gaps.
  • Strategic Alignment: They collaborated with ABC's leadership to align the new structure with the organization's mission of providing high-quality healthcare.
  • Design: The consultants recommended a team-based structure, eliminating silos between departments. Clinical care teams were formed to enhance patient-centered care.
  • Change Management: A change management plan included communication strategies to inform both employees and patients about the changes. Training programs were developed for staff.
  • Evaluation: Performance metrics, such as patient satisfaction and wait times, were closely monitored. Feedback from both patients and staff was collected and used for continuous improvement.


  • ABC Healthcare System saw a significant improvement in patient satisfaction scores.
  • The new structure reduced wait times and improved the coordination of care.
  • Staff reported higher job satisfaction and felt more empowered to make decisions that benefited patients.

7. Conclusion and Future Trends

In conclusion, HR consulting plays a critical role in redesigning organizational structures. It encompasses assessing the current structure, aligning it with organizational goals, designing a new structure, managing change, ensuring legal compliance, and promoting employee engagement and culture preservation.

As organizations continue to evolve in response to changing business environments and technological advancements, the role of HR consulting in organizational structure redesign will remain pivotal. Moreover, future trends in HR consulting may include:

a. Data Analytics: HR consultants will increasingly rely on data analytics to inform structure redesign decisions, helping organizations make data-driven choices about roles, skills, and team composition.

b. Remote and Hybrid Work: HR consultants will need to adapt structures to accommodate remote and hybrid work arrangements, ensuring that organizations remain efficient and connected in distributed environments.

c. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): DEI considerations will be integrated into structure redesign efforts to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce.

d. Agile and Adaptive Structures: Organizations may adopt more agile and adaptive structures that allow them to quickly respond to market changes and opportunities.

e. AI and Automation: HR consultants may need to incorporate AI and automation into structure design to optimize processes and roles.

In the ever-evolving business landscape, HR consulting will continue to be instrumental in helping organizations create structures that drive success, foster innovation, and adapt to change effectively. Redesigning an organizational structure is a complex and multifaceted endeavor, and HR consultants are essential partners in this process, providing expertise, guidance, and support to ensure that the new structure aligns with the organization's goals and leads to improved performance and competitiveness.

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