Role of public services in capitalist and socialist systems - GovtVacancy.Net

Role of public services in capitalist and socialist systems - GovtVacancy.Net
Posted on 10-07-2022

Role of public services in capitalist and socialist systems


The role of public services in the capitalist system

In countries with a capitalist system, the role of the private sector is more important and per capita income is high. Due to the high purchasing power of the people,  people get the things they need easily, as well as the role of the private sector in providing services is more, so the responsibility of public service at the level of governance and administration becomes very limited. In fact, the capitalist system of governance is market-based, which is based on the basic principle that the availability of services depends on the purchasing power of the people.


Role of public services in a socialist system

The ideology of the socialist system is inspired by social justice. It rejects all concepts of external dominance and accepts the basic spirit of human welfare. It has been critical of the production system of the capitalist system. In this system of governance,  public welfare is based on the maximum happiness of the maximum number of people. In this type of governance,  the role of the government is more. Due to this the role of the civil service has also increased. Since the ideological base of both the systems (capitalist and socialist) is different, the working methods of the civil service working in these countries are also different.

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