Sevottam Model - GovtVacancy.Net

Sevottam Model - GovtVacancy.Net
Posted on 15-07-2022

Sevottam Model

The Sevottam model was developed with the aim of improving the quality of public services in the country. Sevottam is made up of two words 'Service' and 'Uttam'. Which means  - Excellence in Service. Sevottam was framed by the Department of Administrative Reforms in 2005. After the creation of Sevottam, the Bureau of India Standards sets the standards for it. Therefore an Indian Standard 15700: 2005 has been formulated which is given to those organizations which meet the standards given in Sevottam.


The need for a tool like 'Sevottam' arose due to the fact that citizens' manifestos on their own may not yield desired results in improving the quality of public services. In addition, the lack of a reliable grievance redressal mechanism within organizations is also a major factor in improving the standards of service delivery. Thus it was felt that unless there is a methodology for assessing the outcome of various measures, the reform measures will not yield the desired results. The 'Sevottam model serves as an evaluation method for assessing the quality of internal processes and their impact on the quality of service delivery.


The 'Sevottam' model has three components. The first component talks about the implementation of an effective manifesto. Citizen manifestos publicly declare information regarding the entitlements of citizens, thereby making citizens better informed and thus empowering them to demand better services. The second component, Public Grievance  Redressal, reflects the need for a good grievance redressal methodology that operates in such a manner that the citizen is most dissatisfied with how the organization responds to complaints/difficulties, irrespective of the final decision. . The third component, Excellence in Service Delivery, emphasizes that an organization can only achieve excellence in service delivery. if it effectively manages the key components of good service delivery and builds its ability to continuously improve service delivery.


Some Predictions in IS 15700: 2005

The Citizen's Declaration will include the following:

1. Vision and Mission Statement of the Organization.

2. Key to the key services provided by the organization.

3. Measurable in relation to the services provided and the remedies available to the customers for non-compliance with the standards.


The Citizen's Declaration will have the following features-

* Emphasis on commitments made by the organization to its customers.

* Simple and easy to understand and print in local languages ​​as per requirement.


* Mention of grievance redressal procedure.

* Name, and address of the Public Grievance Officer. Telephone number and other contact details included.

Periodic review to make updates and improvements continuously.

* Information to be given regarding the date of issue of the Citizen's Declaration and the persons consulted during its preparation.

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