Spontaneous movement as a therapeutic resource.

Spontaneous movement as a therapeutic resource.
Posted on 21-03-2022

Spontaneous movement is anyone who, in principle, is free, creative, authentic. That is to say, it does not obey previous planning, nor a fashion, nor a specific style of dance or movement.

It is registering the body and allows it to express itself without conditioning. For this reason, it is a practice that allows the expression of unconscious aspects, and at the same time enables the possibility of raising awareness and integrating them. It involves the body as a communicator, as a channel, as a sensitive and expressive entity that knows intuitively and by itself what it wants to express. We just have to leave it, trying to condition it as little as possible.

We can think that in everyday life there are many movements and body positions that are automated. Sitting down and typing at a computer, as I am doing right now, is a position most people spend most of their day in.

When do we allow the body to express itself freely, without taking care of the image we show? Without feeling like we're making a fool of ourselves? How many times have we managed to prioritize stopping the daily demands to register the body, breathe and allow this type of expression?

Throughout evolution, human beings prioritized body movements and structures that fulfilled some important functions in adaptation. Today more than ever and with the capitalist system, positions and movements that are considered productive are valued and demanded. Everything that is not considered productive is annulled, hidden, or judged.

There are movements, in fact, that we never do. Those who do yoga know perfectly well that in this discipline muscles are worked that, otherwise, would never move. As human beings, we become homogenized in such a way that we all largely reproduce the same body movements on a daily basis.

Foucault spoke in this sense of the concept of Docile Bodies in Monitor and Punish, defining it as bodies that are manipulated by a mechanism of power that establishes corporeal norms to guide the actions of individuals in favor of useful ends.

For this reason, the way we move is also functional to a system that constantly demands productivity.

Spontaneous movement implies being able to get out of those patterns, allowing the body to express itself freely through movements that do not seek a specific utility or productivity, with all the value that this implies. They are movements that allow us to get away from the image that we show socially, and offer us a space for play and exploration where the body appears as a link between the environment and ourselves, simultaneously offering us material to learn a little more about our psyche and our expressive abilities.

Practicing spontaneous movement can be as simple as putting on music that we like, or simply in silence, and observing what movements come to mind. Initially, it can be a difficult task and sometimes serious resistance has to be overcome. But later, in the best of cases, it will connect with the body in a way in which we will feel that an expressive need arises from it. That there is one part or another that needs to move in a certain way, and this is what we enable with spontaneous movement.

Knowing this practice or experiencing it frequently brings countless benefits from a therapeutic and creative point of view, a kind of meditation that allows us to connect with deep aspects and potentially access them to work on them in a second moment.


Thank You
