Target audience - What is it? types and examples

Target audience - What is it? types and examples
Posted on 04-03-2022

Target audiences

Group of people to whom a company aspires to sell a product or service.

What is the target audience?

The target audience, also known as the target, refers to the group of people to whom a company aspires to sell a product or service because it meets certain characteristics.

When marketing a product, companies must establish a target audience. This is defined through characteristics such as gender, age, location, and purchasing power, and allows for a more effective marketing campaign.

Types of the target audience

By identifying a target audience, we can draw on the different generations of people, as this defines their tastes, customs, and lifestyle.

target audience

Classification and types of the target audience.


This public includes those people born before 1945. This generation is very traditional and their advanced age makes them unaccustomed to today's world and the use of technology.

This target audience is very attached to the concept of family and formality, driven by jazz and swing style music, and written communication.

baby boomers

The baby boomers correspond to the generation of people who were born between 1946 and 1964, who are close to retirement, and whose work plays a fundamental role in their lives. They grew up with very big life changes, such as the acceptance of divorce, wars, and world crises.

Although they began to dominate the technological aspects, they do not do it completely. Their main means of communication is the telephone, although they are present on social networks and the internet today.

Generation X

The people who belong to this group were born between the years 1965 and 1978. They have an attachment to the Internet and have as a characteristic a facility to adapt to changes.

Thus, they are constant digital migrants and enjoy all the great changes in modern communication, from SMS (text messages) to e-mail communication.

They are individualistic, flexible and see the work environment as more unstable and changeable than their previous generations.

Generation Y (millennials)

Millennials are those people born between 1981 and 1995, characterized by being highly adapted to the use of the smartphone as their main life device.

They grew up with the internet, social networks, and text messages, so they are very attached to technology, with which they seek comfort.

Generation Z (pivotal)

They are those people who were born between 1996 and today, so they have had extensive contact with technology, but are not yet in the labor market.

They are characterized by being born alongside technology and by having a great deal of contact with it through games, consoles, and mobile phones. His life is connected to the digital world and his hobbies are based on it.

Examples of the target audience

To better understand this concept, let's see some examples of target audiences applied to businesses and companies:

  • A bakery carries out a market study and verifies that its target audience is made up, for the most part, of elderly or retired people (maturist or baby boomers). People over 30 also go to the place, but not to a great extent.
  • The Coca-Cola Zero drink from the Coca-Cola Company has a target audience of consumers between 25 and 30 years old (generation Y) who are looking to maintain a good physical appearance.
  • The target audience for Starbucksis men and women between the ages of 25 and 40. Although this is not your only audience, it represents 50% of the clientele of your business.


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