The monthly salary of shahid and kareena together is $28000.

The monthly salary of shahid and kareena together is $28000.
Posted on 27-12-2022

Ques - The monthly salary of shahid and kareena together is $28000. The salary of shahid and kareena is increased by 25% and 12.5% respectively then the new salary of kareena becomes 120% of the new salary of shahid. The new (or increased) salary of shahid is :

A. $15000

B. $18000

C. $14000

D. $16000

Solution - 


The monthly salary of shahid and kareena together is $28000.

The monthly salary of Shahid = x

The monthly salary of Kareena = 28000 - x

Increased salary of Shahid = 25%

= x + 25/100 × x

= 5x/4

= 1.25x

Increased Salary of Kareena = (28000 - X) + 12.5% × (28000 - X) 

= (28000 - x) + 12.5% of (28000 - x) 

= (28000 - x) + (12.5/100) × 28000 - 0.125x

= 28000 - x + 3500 - 0.125x

= 31500 - 1.125x


New salary of Kareena becomes 120% of new salary of Shahid.

New Salary of Kareena = 120% of 1.25X

31500 - 1.125x = (120/100) × 1.25x

31500 - 1.125x = 1.50x

1.50x + 1.125x = 31500

2.625x = 31500

x = 31500/2.625

x = 12000 
Initial salary of Shahid = 12000


New salary of Shahid = 1.25x

= 1.25 × 12000

= 15000


The correct answer is option A. $15000.

Thank You