The place that surrounds us and its psychological aspects.

The place that surrounds us and its psychological aspects.
Posted on 21-03-2022

The place where we live has an impact and is at the same time a reflection of our internal world.

At a macro level: country, city, area, it has an impact on our way of life and, therefore, on our decisions, thoughts, and beliefs. At a more particular level: housing, spaces in which we live daily and close context also and in the same way, we project in these places much of what happens to us internally.

From a psychological point of view, living in the countryside, with a neighbor a few kilometers away and at a leisurely pace, is not the same as living in the middle of the city, moving at rush hour and surrounded by people constantly in a hurry.

The place where we live is part of our personal development because over time, our resources, in most cases, are deployed based on that context. Adapting to it, or, on the contrary, generating resistance.

Why is it important to reflect on these aspects?

Because making it visible allows us to reflect on what belongs to us and what does not, and allows us to choose more freely what life we ​​would really like to have. Sometimes, immersed in this context, we forget that there are other possibilities, and we convince ourselves that it is the only thing possible. Moving to other places, traveling, or simply getting to know different ways of life helps us get out of that matrix that is often too rigid, allowing us to recognize other alternatives.

Where we live can reflect who we are.

In this sense, what we propose is twofold. The place in which we live produces effects on our way of life, but at the same time, whenever there is a possible choice, we choose where we live based on issues intrinsic to ourselves. It is a simultaneous feedback movement.

The space that surrounds us, our house, our home, shows characteristics present in our internal world. If our space is hyper-ordered, and we do not allow anything to slip out of place, we can think that in our mind there are also similar structures, rigid and difficult to tolerate changes.

On the contrary, and using extreme examples, if our environment is chaotic, with an accumulation of things and no systematization, we can also translate this to the person's internal world: too many thoughts, too much information, difficulty choosing or ordering it.

In addition to being a reflection of our internal world, our space enables or blocks different possibilities. The less flexibility, the more rigidity and less possibility of change. Sometimes the space, as its own projection, puts obstacles to what we want to do. Clutter prevents us from finding what is necessary to solve or move forward. In the same way, the extreme order makes it impossible for us to break structures to generate changes.

The speed and anonymity of a big city influence our links or the lack of them in everyday life. It can allow job development or totally inhibit it. The solitude and calm of the countryside can enable a rhythm of life more in line with nature, or, on the contrary, produce anxiety and boredom. The place that surrounds us says a lot about us, and constant feedback is established that largely shapes our daily reality.

Expanding the circle of what we know, places, cultures, or ways of life, and working on our own aspects enable greater awareness and greater possibilities to choose and transform our place or environment into an environment that represents us and allows us to develop.


Thank You
