The population of a village is 5,000 and it increases at the rate of 2% every year.

The population of a village is 5,000 and it increases at the rate of 2% every year.
Posted on 08-01-2023

Ques - The population of a village is 5,000 and it increases at the rate of 2% every year. After 2 years, the population will be :

A. 5116

B. 5202

C. 5200

D. 5204

Solution -


The population of a village = 5000

First year it increases at the rate of 2% = 5000 + 2% of 5000

= 5000 + (2/100) * 5000

= 5000 + 100

= 5100

Second year it increases at the rate of 2% = 5100 + 2% of 5100

= 5100 + (2/100) * 5100

= 5100 + 102

= 5202


The correct answer is option (b) 5202.

Thank You