The ratio of ages of Rahul and Deepesh is 3 : 5. 10 years later this ratio becomes 5 : 7.

The ratio of ages of Rahul and Deepesh is 3 : 5. 10 years later this ratio becomes 5 : 7.
Posted on 06-02-2023

Ques - The ratio of ages of Rahul and Deepesh is 3 : 5. 10 years later this ratio becomes 5 : 7. What is the present age of Deepesh?

(a) 20 years

(b) 50 years

(c) 25 years

(d) 40 years

Solution - 

The ratio of ages of Rahul and Deepesh = 3 : 5
The present age of Rahul age = 3x
The present age of Deepesh age = 5x
After 10 years, it becomes
(3x + 10)/(5x + 10) = 5/7
7(3x + 10) = 5(5x + 10)
21x + 70 = 25x + 50
70 - 50 = 25x - 21x
20 = 4x
x = 5 
The present age of Deepesh = 5x
= 5(5)
= 25
The correct answe is option (c) 25 years.
Thank You