The ratio of prices of Cello and Rotomac pens in 2000 were in the ratio of 3 : 5.

The ratio of prices of Cello and Rotomac pens in 2000 were in the ratio of 3 : 5.
Posted on 12-02-2023

Ques - The ratio of prices of Cello and Rotomac pens in 2000 were in the ratio of 3 : 5. In 2005 the price of Cello pen trebles itself and the price of Rotomac pen is increased by Rs. 100, then the new ratio of prices of the same pens becomes 4 : 5. What was the original price of the Rotomac pen in 2000?

(a) Rs. 60

(b) Rs. 80

(c) Rs. 100

(d) Rs. 120

Solution - 

The ratio of prices of Cello and Rotomac pens in 2000 = 3 : 5


The price of Cello pen in 2000 = 3x

The price of Rotomac pen in 2000 = 5x

In 2005,

The price of Cello pen = 3(3x)

= 9x

The price of Rotomac pen = 5x + 100


The new ratio of prices = 4 : 5 (given)

(9x)/(5x + 100) = 4/5

5(9x) = 4(5x + 100)

45x = 20x + 400

45x - 20x = 400

25x = 400

x = 16


The original price of rotomac pen in 2000 = 5x

= 5(16)

= 80


The correct answer is option (b) Rs. 80.

Thank You