What according to e. m. forster is to be found in disproportionate quantities in novels?

What according to e. m. forster is to be found in disproportionate quantities in novels?
Posted on 19-08-2023

In E.M. Forster's book "Aspects of the Novel," he discusses various elements that are often found in disproportionate quantities in novels. One of these elements is "character." Forster emphasizes that novels tend to focus extensively on the development and portrayal of characters compared to other forms of literature.

He argues that the novel is particularly well-suited to delving into the complexities of human character, motivations, and interactions. Novels allow authors to explore characters in depth, presenting their thoughts, emotions, and actions over extended periods of time. This emphasis on character development is what distinguishes novels from other forms of storytelling.

Forster's discussion of character in "Aspects of the Novel" is part of his broader exploration of the different aspects that contribute to the uniqueness of the novel as a literary form. He also examines plot, rhythm, and other elements that make novels distinct from other types of writing.