What are the differences between the body of a lizard and a starfish?

What are the differences between the body of a lizard and a starfish?
Posted on 23-12-2022

What are the differences between the body of a lizard and a starfish?


the difference between starfish and lizard _


the starfish have arms _

its skin is rough,smoothsometimes presenting some granules and even thorns

The starfish is covered by overlapping plates_


has a flattened body with scales

2. They reach about 16 cm.

their heads are triangle shaped


The main differences between a lizard and a starfish lie in the types of bodies they possess. A lizard has a segmented body with legs, a tail, and a head, while a starfish has a single body without legs or a head.


Furthermore, the lizard is a vertebrate with an internal skeleton, while the starfish is an invertebrate with an external skeleton. Another important difference is that the lizard moves by moving, while the starfish moves by crawling.


The Evolution of Bodily Differences Between Lizards and Starfish


The body is an integral part of animal life, and changes to it through the process of evolution have significantly influenced different types of animals. This is particularly true when it comes to the comparison between two animals as different as lizards and starfish. Although both animals belong to the animal kingdom, their bodies have developed in very different ways due to the requirements of their environment.


One of the main differences between a lizard and a starfish is the type of body they have. The lizard has a segmented body with legs, a tail, and a head, while the starfish has a single body without these features. This is largely due to the requirements of each animal to survive in its environment. The lizard needs these parts to navigate its environment and hunt for prey, while the starfish crawls and lacks a head to detect its prey. This difference in the body is also reflected in their skeletons. The lizard is a vertebrate with an internal skeleton, while the starfish is an invertebrate with an external skeleton.

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