What is a Killer whale (Orca)? Information, habitat, reproduction and characteristics

What is a Killer whale (Orca)? Information, habitat, reproduction and characteristics
Posted on 08-02-2022

Killer whale

We explain what a killer whale is, what its habitat is, its diet, reproduction, and other characteristics. Also, how dangerous are they?

Killer Whale Orca

The killer whale is recognizable by its black back and white belly.

What is an orca (Killer Whale)?

A marine mammal of the order of cetaceans and of the same family as dolphins ( Delphinidae ), common in all the world's oceans, is known as an orca or orca whale. Its body is recognizable by its black (on the back) and white (on the belly) coloration, as well as for being one of the largest and most versatile marine predators in the world.

Scientific name Orcinus orca, this is the largest known species of dolphin. The species evolved in the Pliocene, around 5.3 million years ago, moving away from the ancestors of today's dolphins.

It has a reputation for being a fearsome predator, capable of killing other large carnivores such as the white shark, and at the same time for being a meek and intelligent animal capable of relating affectionately with humans in captivity.

Killer whale hunting was common in 18th-century Japan, while the large whaling industries ignored them, given the low amount of oil that can be extracted from their bodies, compared to whales and sperm whales.

Since the end of the 20th century, on the other hand, orca sightings have become an important tourist attraction, as well as their breeding in captivity and their incorporation into aquatic shows, given that it is a fairly intelligent animal. Captivity produces in this species the atrophy of the dorsal fin, due to the lack of exercise of its dorsal muscles, as it constantly stays on the surface.


Characteristics of killer whales

Orcas, in general, are characterized by the following:

  • They are marine mammals, adapted to submerged life, with a characteristic black and white body, endowed with hydrodynamic 
  • The males of the species can reach about 9 meters in length and weigh about 5 tons, while the females range around 7.7 meters in length and 4 tons in weight. Both sexes have an extensive dorsal fin that can reach 1.8 meters in length.
  • It is a born marine apex predator, without rivals or natural enemies, that uses echolocation (emitting sound underwater) to perceive its 
  • They are migratory animals, which form more or less extensive herds, capable of coordinating an attack on larger prey, such as whales or white 
  • Four different types of orcas have been identified, whose physical distinctions are more or less obvious, and which could indicate that new species have formed over  It is a species under intense study by marine biologists.
  • They are highly intelligent animals, among the few capable of recognizing themselves in a  They are capable of playing, imitating other animals, and transmitting lessons to their offspring.

Where do killer whales live?

Killer whales are present in absolutely all the world's oceans, from the cold waters of the polar oceans to the warm waters of the tropics. They are animals of great and continuous movement, being able to swim up to 60 kilometers a day and submerge to depths of 150 meters repeatedly.

What do killer whales eat?

What do Killer Whales eat

Killer whales feed on fish and marine mammals.

The orcas' diet is strictly carnivorous, and their usual prey includes salmon, tuna, herring, rays, cod, squid, penguins, whales, sharks, and even other marine mammals, such as seals, porpoises, sea lions, and dolphins. The human being is not among its usual prey.

How do killer whales reproduce?

As in all mammals, orca reproduction is sexual and viviparous, but unfortunately not much is known about the reproductive habits of wild killer whales.

From the study of specimens in captivity, it is known that they are a polygamous species, whose mating periods are variable and unpredictable, depending on the individual, and that their gestation period lasts between fifteen and eighteen months, at the end of which they give birth to a single calf per calving, at any time of the year.

How long do killer whales live?

How long do killer whales live?

The average lifespan of an orca is comparable to that of a human being.

The average lifespan of an orca is comparable to that of a human being. Once past the risk stages of infancy (when around 37-50% of calves die), killer whales can live between 60 and 80 years for males and almost 100 years for males. of females. Like humans, female killer whales suffer from the end of ovulation and reproductive life (menopause) after a certain age.

How dangerous are killer whales?

There are records of orca attacks on humans, generally accidental, the result of confusion (a surfer who resembles a seal) or stress due to situations typical of captivity.

However, the human being is not among the usual prey of the killer whale, and rather they tend to be curious and playful when interacting with human beings, as long as they do not represent an immediate danger to them, of course.

A famous case of a particularly aggressive orca was that of Tilikum, an Icelandic killer whale who was involved in the deaths of three of her SeaWorld trainers in the United States. Her account is told in the 2013 documentary Blackfish.

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