What is a reptilian?

What is a reptilian?
Posted on 06-07-2023

Reptilians: Unveiling the Myth and Exploring the Origins


Reptilians, also known as lizard people or reptoids, are a popular subject of conspiracy theories and science fiction. These humanoid creatures are believed to be shape-shifting reptilian beings that secretly control the world's governments and institutions. While there is no scientific evidence supporting the existence of reptilians, the concept has captivated the imagination of many. In this essay, we will delve into the origins of the reptilian myth, examine the cultural and psychological factors that contribute to its popularity, and present the scientific consensus on the matter.


Origins of the Reptilian Myth

The roots of the reptilian myth can be traced back to various ancient civilizations and mythologies. In Mesopotamian mythology, for instance, there is a depiction of a deity called Tiamat, a dragon-like creature associated with chaos and destruction. Similar reptilian creatures are also found in Egyptian, Greek, and Mayan mythologies. These ancient tales might have laid the foundation for the reptilian archetype in human consciousness.


Influence of Science Fiction

Science fiction literature and films have played a significant role in popularizing the reptilian concept. Notably, H.P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" and Robert E. Howard's "The Serpent Men" introduced the idea of hidden reptilian races with sinister intentions. In modern times, the reptilian myth gained further traction through popular culture, including movies, television shows, and video games, perpetuating the image of reptilians as a powerful and secretive species.


Psychological Factors

Several psychological factors contribute to the appeal and persistence of the reptilian myth. One such factor is pareidolia, which refers to the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns, such as faces, in random stimuli. This cognitive bias can lead individuals to interpret ambiguous stimuli as evidence of reptilian features in human appearances. Additionally, the allure of conspiracy theories often stems from a desire for control and explanation in the face of uncertainty, as well as a sense of group identity and belonging.


Debunking the Reptilian Myth

Despite the popularity of the reptilian myth, there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting its existence. The belief in reptilians controlling the world's governments and institutions can be attributed to misinformation, misinterpretation, and confirmation bias. Experts in relevant fields, such as biology, anthropology, and psychology, have widely dismissed the reptilian myth as a baseless conspiracy theory.


Biology and Physiology of Reptiles

To better understand the implausibility of reptilian humanoids, we explore the characteristics of real reptiles. Reptiles, including lizards, snakes, and crocodiles, are cold-blooded vertebrates with scales and specific anatomical features adapted for their environments. These adaptations, such as the lack of mammary glands, make it unlikely for reptiles to evolve into humanoid creatures resembling humans in physiology and behavior.



The reptilian myth has captivated the imaginations of many, driven by ancient myths, science fiction, and psychological factors. However, there is no scientific evidence supporting the existence of reptilian humanoids secretly controlling the world. The reptilian myth serves as a fascinating case study on the intersection of mythology, psychology, and popular culture, highlighting our innate human curiosity and the power of storytelling.

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