What is percentage and How to calculate it ?

What is percentage and How to calculate it ?
Posted on 12-12-2022


The term "percentage" is derived from the Latin word "per centum", which means "by the hundred". It is denoted by the symbol %.

= Per (divide) - Cent (100)

= 1/100

Examples  are:

  • 5% is equal to 5/100.
  • 25% is equal to 25/100.
  • 75% is equal to 75/100.
  • 42% is equal to 42/100.

Convert Percentage to Fraction

Percentage means per every hundred. To convert a percent to a fraction,

First we have to remove the percentage (%) symbol and divide the number with 100.

For Example:

There are 50 boys present in the class out of 100 which means 50% boys are absent in the class.


= 50%

= 50/100

= 1/2


1. 25% of 200

Ans - = (25/100) * 200

= (1/4) * 200

= 50

2. 35% of 280

Ans - = (35/100) * 280

= (7/20) * 280

= 98

3. 14.28% of 420

Ans - = (14.28/100) * 420

= (1/7) * 420

= 60

4. What will be 48% of 670

Ans- = (48%) * 670

= (48/100) * 670

= (12/25) * 670

= 321.6

5. What will be 3500% of 25

Ans - Here we concept ,

= a% of b = b% of a


= 25% of 3500

= (25/100) * 3500

= (1/4) * 3500

= 875

6. 46% of 548 + 38% of 768 = ?

= (46/100) * 548 + (38/100) * 768

= 252.08 + 291.84

= 543.92


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