What were the important activities carried out by General Juan Velasco Alvarado?

What were the important activities carried out by General Juan Velasco Alvarado?
Posted on 23-12-2022

The most important economic and social activities carried out by the government of General Juan Velasco Alvarado were?

Nationalization of the assets of the Catholic Church. On August 22, 1971, the Velasco Alvarado government promulgated the Agrarian Reform Law, which nationalized the assets of the Catholic Church, including large tracts of land, buildings, temples, churches, hospitals, and schools.


This allowed the government to redistribute land to millions of peasants, which contributed to greater social equality in the country. Nationalization also allowed the government to invest in infrastructure and other sectors, which contributed to higher economic growth.


The Nationalization of the Assets of the Catholic Church: Promoting Greater Social Equality in Peru


The nationalization of the assets of the Catholic Church has been one of the actions of the greatest economic and social significance carried out by the government of General Juan Velasco Alvarado in Peru. This measure was enacted on August 22, 1971, through the Agrarian Reform Law, with the aim of redistributing land to millions of peasants and contributing to greater social equality in the country. Nationalization also made it possible to invest in infrastructure and train the population, contributing to greater economic growth.


The nationalization of the assets of the Catholic Church was one of the main economic and social actions that promoted the agrarian reform of Peru. This reform contributed to greater social equality in the country since it allowed the redistribution of land to peasants, who previously did not have access to land. Nationalization also made it possible to invest in infrastructure and train the population for employment, contributing to greater economic growth.


In addition, the nationalization of the assets of the Catholic Church contributed to greater autonomy of the church. This means that the church was no longer under government control, but was now free to decide on its own affairs, which contributed to greater religious freedom in the country.


The agreement with the International Petroleum Company (IPC) was the last stretch of the road for the Belaunde government to reconcile bourgeois interests with the popular classes. However, once it was resolved, the conditions of the IPC arrangement became known through El Comercio, which unleashed a general wave of protests from radicalized sectors and universities. This contract stipulated that the IPC delivered the almost depleted wells to the State, in return all claims against the company were annulled and the refinery was granted to it on the condition that it modernize it, in exchange the State Oil Company would sell all its production to the IPC. A contract that is clearly unequal and detrimental to the Peruvian State. Besides, The president of the Fiscal Oil Company denounced that page 11 of the contract known as the Talara Act, which contained the price that the IPC was obliged to pay to the Fiscal Oil Company for the crude oil that it was obliged to sell, had been lost. The reaction to the collusion between the government and the IPC degenerated into breaking alliances with the groups that would give stability to the government and it was left isolated. At first, the Armed Forces, representing the Minister of War, stated that they would not intervene. However, the head of the Joint Command, General Juan Velasco Alvarado, was quick to affirm that “Minister Gagliardi's statements are invalid. Neither the Armed Forces nor the Joint Command depends on a minister”. This declaration showed the autonomous character with which a faction of the military forces was conducted. Thus, the coup had already been organized since February and by the time the new cabinet was installed, it was too late. The coup took place on October 3, taking advantage of the weakness of the government

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