When an article is sold for Rs. 703 loss incurred is 25% less than the profit

When an article is sold for Rs. 703 loss incurred is 25% less than the profit
Posted on 29-03-2023

Ques - When an article is sold for Rs. 703 loss incurred is 25% less than the profit earned on selling it at Rs. 836. What is the selling price of the article when it earns a profit of 20%?

(a) 912 

(b) 1576

(c) 1532

(d) 1092

Solution - 


CP = x

Loss at selling Rs. 703 = CP - SP

= x - 703

Profit at selling Rs. 836 = SP - CP 

= 836 - x

When an article is sold for Rs. 703 loss incurred is 25% less than the profit earned on selling it at Rs. 836.

The loss by selling at Rs. 703 = 25% less than profit by selling at Rs.863.

x - 703 = (836 - x) - (836 - x) × (25/100)

x - 703 = (836 - x) - [(836 - x) / 4]

4(x - 703) = 4(836 - x) - (836 - x)

4x - 2812 = 3344 - 4x - 836 + x

4x - 2812 = 2508 - 3x

4x + 3x = 2508 + 2812

7x = 5320

x = 5320/7

x = 760


CP = 760

It earns a profit of 20%.

SP = 760 × (120/100)

SP = 912


The selling price of the article when it earns a profit of 20% is 912.


The correct answer is option (a) 912 .

Thank You